

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1977, Qupperneq 4

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1977, Qupperneq 4
236 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ TIL ÁSKRIFENDA LÆKNABLAÐSINS Undanfarin ár hefur áskriftargjald ekki verið innheimt ihjá læknum, sem búsettir eru erlendis. Vaxandi dreifingar- og prentunarkostn- aður hefur valdið auknum rekstrarhalla á blaðinu, samanber nýbirta reikninga. I samræmi við ákvörðun aðalfundar Lækna- félags íslands verður áskriftargjald fram- vegis innheimt hjá öllum, sem fá blaðið. Áskriftargjald þeirra, er starfa á íslandi, er innifalið í félagsgjaldi Læknafélags ís- lands (Læknafélags Reykjavíkur). Áskriftargjald fyrir árið 1977 er krónur 2.000, sem samsvarar US$ 10, d.kr. 58,00, n.kr. 52,00, s.kr. 45,00. Þeir sem óska eftir að fá blaðið áfram, eru beðnir að senda áskriftargjald ársins 1977 til Læknablaðsins fyrir janúarlok 1978. FRÁ HEILBRIGÐISSTJÓRNINNI COURSES IN VITAL STATISTICS, MEDICAL DEMOGRAPHY, MEDICAL STATISTICS AND EPIDEMIOLOGY LONDON, 1978 Courses on the subjects of vital statistics, medical demography, medical statistics and epidemiology, are given regularly in London and to these fellows of the World Health Organization are admitted. (The course on vital statistics is given every second year and is seheduled to be hsld again in 1979). The courses are conducted in the English language and therefore a very good know- ledge of English is required of the candi- dates. In case English is not the candidate’s mother tongue and he/she has not pre- viously studied in an English-speaking country, or undertaken studies in the Eng- lish language authenticated by success in an appropriate examination, a language proficiency certificate is required. Member States may apply for fellow- ships for these courses under their Country Projects No. HMD099, Lecturers and Fellowships, or any other of their country projects, if appropriate, or at their own expense. The deadline for receipt of the Fellow- ship Application Forms WHO-52, com- pleted in six copies, and the language profi- ciency certificate, if applicable, for the courses starting in the autumn of 1978 is 27 March 1978. It is the wish of the course director: that the selection of fellows be made in good time before the courses begin in order to give the candidates an oppor- tunity to prepare tlhemselves for the courses.
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