

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1977, Side 43

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1977, Side 43
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 263 TABLE 8. FEMORAL AND POPLITEAL ARTERIES Operation No. of Operations Clinical status Postop. compl. and immediate failures Surg. mort. Thromboembolectomy Acute occl.a.fem., of femoral or ischemic leg 3 popliteal arteries 4 Acute occl.a.popl. ischemic leg 1 Failure 1 0 Endarterectomy of Claudication 2 common femoral art. Rest pain 2 and its bifurcation 5 Gangrena ped. 1 Failure 1 0 Endarterectomy of Claudication 3 popliteal artery fi Rest pain 3 Failure 1 0 Femoropopliteal by- Claudication 7 pass for mainly Rest pain 1 Failure 1 femoropopliteal Ulcer 1 Bleeding 1 disease 10 Gangren toes 1 0 Femoropopl. bypass in patients with previously inserted Claudication 8 Necr. dacron grafts for Rest pain 2 wound 1 aortoiliac disease 11 Ulcer 1 Bleeding 1 0 Resection of popliteal Pulsating mass. artery aneurysm 1 Embolisation 1 0 Exploration of popl. Claudication 1 artery and its trifurcation 2 Rest pain 1 0 Total 39 7 0 eftir aðgerð. Einn sjúklingur fékk drep í sárbarma. Önnur áföll urðu ekki. Miltis- og nýrnabláæð Fjörutíu og sex ára gömul kona með lang- vinnan lifrarsjúkdóm og ofþrýsting í portæðar- kerfi kom til uppskurðar vegna endurtekinna meiri háttar blæðinga frá bláæðum í vélinda (esophageal varices). Hún hafði mjög stóra lifur. Gerð voru tengsl milli miltisbláæðar og vinstri nýrnabláæðar (spleno-renal shunt). Sjúklingurinn blæddi ekki aftur það sem hún átti eftir ólifað, en hún lést úr lifrarbilun 1% ári síðar. Við krufningu fannst að tengslin voru vel opin. Skipting í bráða og ekki bráða æðaupp- „skurði Af 82 æðauppskurðum utan brjóstiiols voru 11 bráðir uppskurðir (acute) og 3 sjúklinganna dóu, en við 71 uppskurð, sem ekki teljast til bráðra aðgerða, þó að margir væru aðkallandi, urðu engin dauðsföll. SUMMARY The results of 130 consecutive thoracic and cardiovascular operations are described, includ- ing several operations not previously done in Iceland. There were 43 general thoracic operations with two hospital deaths, both after esophageal resection. In addition one patient died 5% months after esophageal perforation by a bone in spite of repeated attempts to repaii. There were 5 intrathoracic vascular proce- dures, including three repairs of coarctatio aortae and one of traumatic rupture of the innominate artery, with good results. Of the remaining 82 vascular procedures eleven were emergencies with three öeaths. One was a case of ruptured aortic aneurysm, but two patients with severe heart conditions died shortly after peripheral embolectomies. In seventy one elective vascular operations.



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