

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1989, Blaðsíða 4

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1989, Blaðsíða 4
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ NÝR DOKTOR í LÆKNISFRÆÐI - JÓNAS MAGNÚSSON Nýlega lauk Jónas Magnússon læknir doktorsprófi frá Háskólanum í Lundi. Ritgerðin nefnist á frummálinu: »Secretion and Hypoglycemic Action of Insulin after Surgery. Effects of epidural anaesthesia, enteral nutrition and subtotal pancreatectomy«. Hér á eftir fer útdráttur úr ritgerðinni: The hypoglycemic action and secretion of insulin was analyzed in 96 elderly patients before, during, one day after, and four days after minor to major abdominal surgery. The effects of general anaesthesia, epidural analgesia, enteral nutrition and subtotal pancreatic resection were studied. The hypoglycemic effect of insulin was measured after a brief infusion of insulin and the secretion of insulin was determined after infusion of 25 g glucose. Surgery of various degree was followed by insulin resistance and glucose intolerance with no change in early insulin release and unchanged or increased late insulin response. Epidural analgesia was associated with preserved insulin sensitivity during minor lower body surgery but was ineffective in maintaining insulin sensitivity after major abdominal surgery. On the other hand epidural analgesia was effective in maintaining glucose tolerance and insulin secretion after major abdominal surgery. Enteral nutrition was associated with unchanged insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance and insulin secretion after colorectal surgery. Subtotal pancreatic resection resulted in a severe reduction of insulin secretion, a decrease in glucagon levels, a preserved hypoglycemic effect of insulin and unchanged glucose tolerance. Jónas Magnússon Conclusions: The glucose intolerance after surgery depends solely on impaired insulin sensitivity. Epidural anaesthesia is able to preserve insulin action following minor surgical procedures but is ineffective in maintaining insulin sensitivity one day after major surgery, a situation in which insulin secretion and glucose tolerance was maintained. During enteral nutrition insulin action and glucose tolerance were maintained. The unchanged insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance after pancreatic resection depended at least partly on reduction in pancreatic glucagon.
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