Læknablaðið - 15.03.1994, Blaðsíða 17
provided sales statistics for each of the study year,
including names of drugs, number of tablets and
quantity in mg sold. All the results are calcuiated
as defined daily doses (DDD) per 1000 inhabitants
per day.
The results show good relationship between the
sales statistics from the pharmacy and the recorded
drug utilisation in the medical record from the local
Health Centre. Differences are similar year after
year. Somewhat higher figures from the pharmacy
are considered mostly caused by prescription filled
from persons travelling through the area or coming
from the capital city from other doctors. This study
and several other studies outside hospitals show
lower figures of DDD/1000/day than the official
figures for the whole island, see figure 3.
The question rises therefore whether hospital use
explains this difference or the official figures are
not right.
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