Morgunblaðið - Sunnudagur - 23.02.2014, Blaðsíða 23
Fæst í apótekum, heilsubúðum, Fjarðarkaup, Hagkaup og Melabúðinni
Af hverju
Líkaminn verður stöðugt fyrir árásum sindurefna sem skaða frumur okkar. Þessar sködduðu frumur skipta sér
líkt og heilbrigðar frumur og er það ferli talin meginorsök fyrir ótímabærri öldrun, hrukkumyndun og
gæti leitt til fjölda sjúkdóma.
Árið 1992 uppgötvuðu vísindamenn ensímið sulforaphane í brokkolí sem örvar líffræðilega ferlið í frumum líkamans, veitir þeim vernd gegn skaðlegum
áhrifum og stuðlar að endurnýjun þeirra. Ferlið sem sulforaphane úr brokkolí hrindir af stað er þekkt undir vísindaheitinu Nrf2.
Heilbrigðar frumur – heilbrigður líkami
Líkaminn er gerður úr milljörðum fruma og segja má að heilbrigði og vellíðan okkar velti á heilbrigði frumanna. Innbyggt varnarkerfi líkamans verndar
frumurnar fyrir skaðlegum áhrifum og stuðlar að endurnýjun þeirra. Þegar á þrítugsaldurinn er komið getur oft reynst erfiðara að virkja þetta innbyggða
kerfi og því stundum þörf á hjálp „til að kveikja á því“ – þar getur sulforaphane úr brokkolí spilað stórt hlutverk.
Margfalt áhrifaríkara en nokkur andoxunarefni í fæðunni
Þegar sulforaphane kemst í snertingu við frumur líkamans berast boð til gena um að auka framleiðslu eigin andoxunarefna í líkamanum – það er margfalt
áhrifaríkara en nokkur andoxunarefni í fæðunni! Í þessu sama ferli myndast einnig detoxensím sem hjálpa líkamanum að losa út eiturefni. Jafnframt
styrkist geta líkamans til eigin framleiðslu á bólgueyðandi efnum auk taugaboðefna sem efla samskipti fruma.
Þetta líffræðilega ferli er lykillinn að heilbrigðum frumum !
Ensímið sulforaphane í brokkolí kann að vera einn öflugasti hvatinn á
varnarkerfi líkamans sem verndar og styrkir frumur okkar og vinnur
þannig gegn ótímabærri öldrun, hrukkumyndun og ýmsum sjúkdómum.
Brokkolítöflurnar - Cognicore® Daily
Í Cognicore er áhrifaríkustu efnunum úr brokkolí safnað saman eina í töflu. Það inniheldur
sulforaphane úr lífrænt ræktuðum brokkolí spírum að viðbættu túrmeric og selenium.
Hefðbundið brokkolí sem keypt er í búð og eldað heima hefur yfirleitt tapað allt að 90% af
sulforaphane í innihaldi sínu. Til að ná fram brokkolíáhrifunum á varnarkerfi líkamans er því
nauðsynlegt að borða mikið magn, nokkur kíló af lífrænt ræktuðu brokkolí á dag.
Daglegur skammtur af Cognicore Daily tryggir þessa stórkostlegu virkni sem sulforaphane úr
brokkolí hefur á varnarkerfið.
Einföld leið til að njóta þess áhrifaríkasta úr brokkolí!
Brokkolí áhrifin í fjölmi
ðlum um allan heim
Broccoli treatment
for ulcer bug
A chemical foun
d in broccoli ma
y provide the ba
sis for a
treatment for m
any cases of sto
mach ulcers and
Laboratory tests
found that the ch
emical, sulforaph
ane can kill off t
he bacterium
Helicobacter pylo
ri. This bug is w
idely thought to
be responsible fo
r the majority
of cases of stom
ach ulcers and ca
Broccoli may help
cut prostate cance
Broccoli may mak
e aggressive prosta
te cancer less likely
. Men who of-
ten eat broccoli ma
y be less likely to d
evelop aggressive p
rostate cancer
than men who ski
mp on those vege
tables. The finding
comes from a
study of more than
29,000U.S. men ag
ed 55 to 74whowe
re followed for an a
verage of four
years. The men wh
o reported frequen
tly eating crucifero
us vegetables were
40 percent less
likely to be diagnos
ed with aggressive
prostate cancer.
Broccoli kicks canc
Vegetables pack a
roundhouse punch
against cancer, acc
ording to a report
by nutritional
scientist Keith Sin
gletary of the Uni
versity of Illinois.
He added sulforap
hane, a chemical
found in broccoli,
to cultures of hum
an breast cancer c
ells. Within hours,
the cells stop-
ped dividing. Sulfo
raphane seems to
work by interrupti
ng the tiny microt
ubules that nor-
mally pull pairs of
chromosomes apa
rt when cells divid
e. Without the tub
ules, malignant
cells can’t multiply
. And sulforaphan
e seems to leave n
ormal cells
Broccoli sprouts sh
ow potential agains
t stomach cancer
A daily portion of
broccoli sprouts m
ay help suppress a
common type of
bacterial infection
that has been linke
to stomach cancer
, a new study sugge
sts. Broccoli sprou
contain high levels
of an anti-oxidant
called sulphorapha
ne. In fact, the con
centration of
sulphoraphane in
broccoli sprouts is
far higher than fou
nd in the full-grow
n plant.
Broccoli compound
may ameliorate skin
The natural comp
ound sulforaphan
e, which is abund
in broccoli, may ha
ve a role in the trea
tment of epiderm
lysis bullosa simp
lex, according to
a new study. Epid
molysis bullosa sim
plex is a genetic co
ndition that cause
s the skin to beco
me fragile and
blister easily from
minor injuries or f
Broccoli extract co
uld help head off s
kin cancer
New research sug
gests that broccoli
can prevent the
damage from ultra
violet light that oft
en leads to skin
cancer. A smear o
f broccoli-sprout
extract blocked
the potentially can
cer-causing damag
e usually inflicted
by sunlight and sh
owed potential
advantages over su
nscreens. UV-indu
ced redness and sw
elling was reduced
on average by
37 percent.
Broccoli may undo
diabetes damage
Eatingbroccoli cou
ld reverse thedama
es toheart
blood vessels, rese
arch suggests. The
key is a compound
found in
broccoli, called sulf
oraphane. It encou
rages production o
f enzymes which p
rotect the blood
vessels, and a reduc
tion in high levels o
f molecules which
cause significant ce
ll damage.
Potent chemical to
fight cancer seen in
Broccoli harbor
s what could
be the most
powerful anti-can
cer compound e
ver detected,
scientists say. Re
searchers have is
olated an ingredi
ent in broccoli t
hat kindles the
activity of critica
l enzymes in the
cell known to he
lp gird against tu
mors. Many na-
tural and synthet
ic compounds ha
ve been identified
that stimulate the
se protective
enzymes, but the
newly discovered
chemical in brocc
oli is by far the m
ost powerful
inciter. The chem
ical, sulforaphane
, could be the ma
in reason that pe
ople who eat
abundant amoun
ts of broccoli hav
e a significantly r
educed risk of ca
ncer compared
with those who a
void the foods.
Broccoli Compoun
d May Help COPD
People with ch
ronic obstructiv
e pulmonary
disease (COPD)
could benefit fro
m an antiox-
idant compound
in broccoli, resea
rchers report.
COPD is the fo
urth-leading caus
e of death in th
e United States,
affecting more
than 16 million p
eople, and is ofte
n the result of lo
ng-term smoking
. ”In COPD,
there is critical lo
ss of antioxidant
systems, which p
rotect against ox
idative stress
and inflammatio
n,” explained lea
d researcher Shy
am Biswal. ”Eve
n though there
is a loss of this
system, you can
substantially rest
ore it with an ac
tivator for this
pathway,” Biswal
said. A compoun
d in broccoli calle
d sulforaphane h
as been shown
effective in resto
ring antioxidant g
ene activity.
Broccoli may reduc
e smokers’ lung ca
ncer risk
If you’re a smok
er, eating your ve
getables may redu
ce your risk of d
eveloping lung
cancer, a new stu
dy suggests. Ame
rican researchers
have found that
eating crucife-
rous vegetables le
d to between a 20
per cent and 55 p
er cent reduction
in lung cancer
risk, depending o
n the type of vege
table and how lon
g the subject had
been a smoker.
The research also
showed that only
the consumption
of raw, as op-
posed to cooked,
cruciferous veget
ables reduced lun
g cancer risk in
current smokers.
Protective protein m
ay hold key to neur
ological diseases
Neurological di
seases such as
Huntington’s d
Parkinson’s, Lou
Gehrig’s disease
(ALS) and Alzhe
imer’s di-
sease operate in s
imilar ways and in
particular are ass
with common ev
ents within a cel
l that lead to cel
l death. Nrf2 is
a protein that,
when you put it
into cells, it bring
s up all the defen
se mechanisms s
Not only do you
increase the cell’s
endogenous antio
xidants, but you’r
e also increa-
sing the enzymes
that remove toxic
ities from the cel
l. The protein als
o has a global
effect — it doesn
’t just protect tha
t which is inside,
but also the norm
al cells in and
around its enviro
Food combining ’fi
ghts cancer’.
Eating certain foo
ds together, such
as chicken and bro
coli or salmon and
watercress could h
elp to fight cancer
say researchers. C
ombining two foo
d components cal
sulforaphane and
selenium make th
em up to 13 times
more powerful in
attacking can-
cer together than
they are alone, the
y suggested. The
discovery could m
ean it could be
possible to design
special cancer-figh
ting foods or diet
Substance in sprou
ts cuts inflammatio
n linked to asthma
A compound fou
nd in broccoli m
ay help prevent r
espiratory inflam
mation linked
to diseases such
as asthma, allerg
ic rhinitis and c
hronic obstructi
ve pulmonary
disease, accordin
g to a University
of California, Lo
s Angeles, study.
The compound
sulforaphane stim
ulates increased p
roduction of ant
ioxidant enzymes
in the airway
that protect agai
nst the large am
ounts of tissue-
damaging free r
adicals humans
breathe in eve-
ry day in pollute
d air, pollen, die
sel exhaust and
tobacco smoke.
This tissue dam
age can lead to
Broccoli beats oth
er veggies in healt
h benefits
When the Americ
an Journal of Clin
ical Nutrition pub
lished a pa-
per that listed fo
ods most likely t
o prevent colon
cancer, what
stood out? Brocc
oli. Scientists at
the Harvard Scho
ol of Public
Health in Boston
published an art
icle in the same
journal last
October and not
ed that broccoli,
along with spina
ch, helped to mi
nimize risk for
cataracts. When a
nother team of H
arvard scientists l
ooked at how die
t might protect
against stroke, br
occoli’s benefits a
gain came to the
fore, in research p
ublished in the
October 6, 1999
issue of the Journ
al of the America
n Medical Associ
ation. When it
comes to basic nu
trients, broccoli is
a mother lode. O
unce for ounce, b
oiled broccoli
has more vitamin
C than an orange
and as much calci
um as a glass of m
ilk, according
to the USDA’s nu
trient database. O
ne medium spear
has three times m
ore fiber than
a slice of wheat b
ran bread. Brocco
li is also one of t
he richest sources
of vitamin A
in the produce se
Molecular Evidence
that Broccoli Fights
Prostate Cancer
Scientists Maria
Traka and Richar
d Mithen, of the
Institute of Foo
d Research in N
orwich, England,
explained that me
n who have a ge
ne called GSTM1
react well to cruci
ferous vegetables.
Instead of picking
through the medi
cal records of
people who eat b
roccoli, some oth
ers that don’t, and
then crunching so
me numbers,
the researchers pe
rformed sophistic
ated genetic tests
upon a group of
volunteers —
some of whom w
ere on a very high
broccoli diet. ”To
our knowledge, th
is is the first
dietary interventio
n study to analyze
global gene expre
ssion profiles with
in a target tis-
sue before and aft
er a 12 month inte
rvention, and to s
tratify gene expres
sion profiles by
genotype,” said T
raka and her co-au
thors in the discu
ssion section of t
heir paper.
Broccoli extract bo
osts skin’s defence
against UV rays
Scientists in the U
.S. have found th
at a broccoli extr
act can help
protect the skin a
gainst ultraviolet
(UV) rays, the pr
imary cause
of most skin can
cers. The research
team, in trials wit
h mice and
human volunteers
, found that sulfo
raphane, extracted
from broc-
coli sprouts and a
pplied to the skin
, helps protect cel
ls against the
redness and inflam
mation created by
exposure to the su
n’s UV ra-
diation. The hum
an trial involved s
ix volunteers, each
exposed to UV ra
diation on two
patches on their b
acks, one treated w
ith the broccoli ex
tract, the other no
t. Skin redness
was used as a mea
sure of cell damag
e. When the extra
ct was applied dai
ly during the th-
ree days before UV
exposure, UV-ind
uced redness and
swelling was reduc
ed on average
by 37 percent, tho
ugh results varied
from eight to 78 p
Niðurstöður rannsókna
um hollustuáhrif
brokkolís hafa verið
birtar í fjölmiðlum um
allan heim.
Á netinu er
einnig að finna
fjölmargar greinar
um ofureiginleika
brokkolís og hið
sérvirka ensím sem
brokkolí inniheldur –