Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2015, Side 32
ideology and have instead mobilised the theory of Bourdieu to show the reproduc-
tion of social differentiation between generations. Transition researchers inspired by
Beck have replied that Beck by no means neglected social inequalities, but pointed out
that they were often hidden in the narratives and that the victorious march of choice
biographies tends to make social inequalities the responsibility of the individual. Thus
transition studies have not least turned out to be studies of changed reproduction
of inequalities and altered ways of social mobility, where subjective orientations and
youth culture play a major role along with objective possibilities.
The article sketches some historical developments and research results that form
the contours of an Icelandic mode of transition. Its history is not least characterised
by a trend of swifter generation changes than in most other Western European coun-
tries and institutionally by the radical transformation and uncontrolled growth of the
Icelandic upper secondary school system during the last 40–50 years. Compared with
the neighbouring countries, a large proportion of Icelandic youth are delaying their
progress through education through extensive part-time work and breaks from edu-
cation, as well as through participation in the vibrant youth culture in Iceland. This
emphasises the need to study transition patterns of Icelandic youth from a broad per-
spective, as outlined in the article.
Keywords: Transition, youth, life course, life stories, historical overview
Gestur Gudmundsson (gesturgu@hi.is) is a professor in sociology of education at School
of Education, University of Iceland. Since 1991 he holds a PhD degree in sociology
from the University of Copenhagen. His main research areas are the culture, education
and life conditions of youth and young adults (16–30 years old) in Icelandic, Danish,
Nordic and European research projects; cf. publications (Published work) at http://