
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 38

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 38
 ■pu G - [ g0K 2x + 1 / 3v„ \ / \ / 3x \ (1 + (K—1)(—--)) ^g(l + 2x(K-l))+vfK((l-2x)(K-l))j ( — j. + (l-x) (1 + x(K — 1)(1 + -iK)) 3vf " V 3p / s 1 3p /s J 1/2 (15) Critical flow ratio as predicted by thís model, both for equilibrium and for metastable flow are shown in Fig. 7, reproduced from Cruver (1963). Fig. 7. Critical Discharge (Cruver’s Method). (Reproduced from Fig. 30, Cruver 1963). COMPARATIVE RESULTS Calculations employing the more sophisticat- ed models required evaluation of the equations (8), (14) and (15). The calculations are very tedious and the interpretation to be placed upon some of the derivations involved is ob- scure. It is not profitable, therefore, at the present juncture to evaluate a large number of cases. To enable the foregoing to be appraised, however, comparative figures have been cal- culated for the Hveragerdi Well G-7 Run 8 quoted previously, and are as follows. The value given in the last row of Table II is probably reasonably correct and present evidence, therefore, suggests that Methods (i) and (v) due to James and Cruver respectively are the most promising. AN APPROXIMATE ANALYSIS OF THE FLOW REGIME AT THE WELL EXIT It is well known that the critical exit velocity of a perfect gas from a pipe can be obtained by maximizing mass flow G = Vp subject to the constraints of isentropic expansion and conservation of energy. This simple approach is not directly applicable to the much more complicated case of a two-phase flow. No ideal physical model, which can be handled by mathe- matical means, can incorporate the complexities of this type of flow. On the other hand, it may be possible to obtain some rough quantita- tive analysis by making a number of approxima- tions which simplify the model. One such ap- proach is offered below. It is based on the above mentioned method of maximizing the rnass flow at the exit under a number of con- straints. The present approach involves 4 basic as- sumptions, (1) the slip ratio Iv remains constant du-ring the expansion of the two-phase mixture, (2) the pressure-volume relation for the expand- ing mixture can be described by a polytropic equation pvmn = C, where C is a constant and n is at most a slowly varying function of p. Moreover, (3) since there are no external heat losses, the energy equation for the mixture can be written dE = — evdp, (16) 192 JÖKULL
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