
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 39

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 39
TABLE II Method due to: Number G Remarks R. James (i) 47.4 Kg/sec Equation (1) Isbin, Moy and Cruz (ii) 18.0 (8) Homogeneous (iii) 26.5 (9) Fauske (iv) 26.5 » (14) Cruver (V) 41.9 Supersaturation Eqtn 35.8 Equilibrium (15) Flow Separation 40.0-45.0 Apparatus, (based on the measured mass flow of the liquicl fraction and bottom hole temperature data) Fig. 1 where E is the kinetic energy per unit mass of the mixture, and e the efficiency of the production of kinetic energy. Einally, (4) the two phases are in thermal equilibrium, that is, they have the same temperature which is a function of the pressure only. These assumptions require the following com- ments. The assumption of a constant slip ratio is no doubt incorrect. However, in most practi- cal cases, where the dryness fraction is not very low, the bulk of the kinetic energy is carried by the vapour phase, and this assump- tion therefore does not appear to introduce gross errors. The validity of the polytropic equation can be tested on the basis of steam- table data. It can be shown that it is a fair approximation. Alternatively, the polytropic exponent n can be evaluated analytically as shown in the Appendix. Moreover, the intro- duction of the efficiency e in the third assump- tion is made in order to emphasize the fact that in the case of two-phase mixtures, the conversion of enthalphy to kinetic energy necessarily involves irreversible losses due to frictional forces between the two phases. It is obvious that e will increase with an increasing dryness fraction and has the maximum value e = 1. Einally, although the assumption of thermal equilibrium appears rather reasonable, it must be recognized that some disequilibrium may occur at the relatively high velocities in- volved in the critical flow of steam-water mixtures. Thermal disequilibrium in an ex- panding mixture lowers the expansivity and therefore enhances the apparent polytropic exponent n. It can possibly be detected on the basis of experimental data on this figure. It is now possible to proceed in the following way. (i) Continuity of mass flow requires that xG = VgegRg (17) (1 — x)G = V(ef(l — Rg) (18) whence 1 G = X 1 —X vgeg vfef (19) Since vg»v(, vm = xvg, vg=I/eg, (19) can be re-arranged to read equation c. V*°" - J ! (l-x)K0,n ef (20) Also, G = Vgea, where ea is the density of the two-phase mixture apparent 9g (1 — x)Keg x + — öf (21) JÖKULL 193



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