
Jökull - 01.12.1992, Page 3

Jökull - 01.12.1992, Page 3
HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS OF EARTHQUAKES ASSOCIATED WITH ERUPTIVE ACTIVITY IN THE ASKJA VOLCANIC SYSTEM Bryndís Brandsdóttir, Science Institute, University oflceland Dunhaga 5,107 Reykjavík ABSTRACT Scientific knowledge gained during the Krafla in- trusive and eruptive activity in recent years facilitates reinterpretation of earlier rifting events, such as the the Askja rifting episode of 1874-1876. Most of the intrusive activity during the Askja rifting episode took place during the firstfew months. The biggest earth- quakes attained intensity V or even VI on the Mercalli scale at a distance around 35 km, and may have ex- ceeded magnitude 5 on the Richter scale. Earthquake swarms recorded on January 30 and June 12, 1962 which originated in the Askja region suggest that tM’o brief intrusive events followed the 1961 eruption in Askja. The total lava production in the Northern Vol- canic Zone during the last three centuries was 0.25— 0.3 knv’ in each rifting event excluding the Askja 1961 eruption which had an extrusion volume of 0.1 krrv'. The higher intrusion/extrusion ratio oftheAskja 1874- 1876 rifting episode compared to the recent Krafla rifting episode is the result of temporal variations in spreading capacity and magma availability along the accretionary plate boundary. INTRODU CTION Volcanic activity in the Northem Volcanic Zone during the last three centuries has been confined to the Krafla and Askja volcanic systems. Three rift- ing events took place in the Askja system and two in the Krafla volcanic system. The recent rifting episode in the Krafla volcanic system (from 1975) offered a unique opportunity to study rifting and magmatism as- sociated with plate divergence. Field observations dur- ing the Krafla events along with various seismological, geodetic, gravimetric, geochemical and petrological studies created a data base which prompts reinterpre- tation of earlier rifting events. This paper focuses on earthquake and eruption reports from the Askja vol- canic system in an effort to enhance our understanding of older rifting events. The reinterpretation of these events is based on current knowledge of the mechanics of rifting. A major rifting episode took place in the Askja fissure swarm during 1874-1876, after more than 400 years of quiescence (Annertz et al., 1985). This rifting episode activated most of the volcanic system, with fis- sure eruptions up to 70 km north of the Askja central volcano fed from a reservoir beneath the Askja caldera. The subsequent pressure drop in the magma reservoir is the most plausible explanation for the collapse and formation of Öskjuvatn withinthe Askja caldera (Sig- valdason, 1979; 1982; Sigurðsson and Sparks, 1978). Further activity was observed during the years 1921 -1933 (Jónsson, 1945) when a minor rifting event occurred that involved a fissure eruption south of the central volcano and several eruptions along the rim of Öskjuvatn (Sigvaldason et al., 1992). In 1926 a small island was formed in the Öskjuvatn lake (Einars- son, 1962). The present surface geothermal activity in Askja is confined to these eruption sites on the north- east, east and south rim of the Öskjuvatn caldera. The latest eruption in Askja began on October 26, JÖKULL, No. 42, 1992 1
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