Jökull - 01.12.1993, Side 9
Figure 9. 10-year overlapp-
ing means of annual temper-
ature 1901-1990 at Grímsey
and Teigarhorn, 1912-1990
at Isfjord radio, 1920-1990
in Björnöya and 1946-1990
in Hopen. — 10 ára rað-
meðaltöl árshita, 1901-1990
í Grímsey og Teigarhorni,
1912-1990 í Isfjord radio,
1920-1990 á Björnöya og
1946-1990 á Hopen.
II. Björnöya 1920-1990, Hopen 1946-1990, Isfjord
radio 1912-1990
In Figure 9 the 10-year, overlapping means of an-
nual temperature are compared for the most northerly
weather stations in the North-Atlantic and the Ice-
landic stations Grímsey and Teigarhorn.Variations
are larger than shown above for Thorshavn, Bergen
and other Norwegian coastal stations. The difference
between the highest and lowest values are 2.9° C
(Hopen), 2.4°C (Björnöya) and 3.7°C (Isfjord radio).
These three stations are clearly showing the same
In Isfjord radio a rapid warming took place in the
first years of observations. The coldest year was in
1917 (-11.0°C). The second coldest years were 1912
(-9.0°C), 1915 (-8.0°C), 1916 (-8.5°C) and 1968 (-
8.1°C). There is a distinct maximum in 1930/3, as at
the Norwegian weather stations. The cold years, 1940-
1943, are seen in these northernmost stations, but on
the Norwegian stations cold years were observed from
1940-1942. Another maximum is found from 1948/57 Figure 10. Mean deviation of annual temperature be-
to 1952/61. After that, the temperature decreased to tween 1901-1925 and 1925-1990. Calculated with
a niinimum in 1962/71 (1964 was rather warm, but standard deviation 1925-1990 as a unit. — Meðal-
1965-1971 was a period of sea ice near Iceland). The frávik árshita árin 1901-1925frá árunum 1925-1990.
same trend is seen to some extent in Tromsö and Vardö, Staðalfrávik 1925-1990 er notað sem eining.
but not in the Norwegian stations.
JÖKULL, No. 43, 1993 7