
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Qupperneq 25

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Qupperneq 25
Figure 3. The site at Langanes, northeastern Iceland (C on Figure 1). a) Driftwood on the beach. b) Method of sampling. — Frá Langanesi a) Reki áfjöru, b) Sýni tekin afrekavið til árhringjarannsókna. RESULTS general notice The occurrence of recent driftwood on the Arc- tic shores and its islands is due two different pro- cesses; trees either began drifting because of natural processes, or because of hurnan activity. The first group includes trees with their root sy stem preserved when they were washed ashore on an arc- tic beach, meaning that they were eroded from a river side. The second group includes trees that have obvi- ously been cut with a saw before they began drifting, mdicating that they came loose during timber floating to the forest industry. The driftwood is transported by nvers into the Arctic Ocean where the logs are caught in oceanic currents. The driftwood deposited in Iceland today is - as will be seen below - dominated by wood that has come loose during timber floating on the Russian/Siberian nvers. All the driftwood that has been collected in Iceland originates from the boreal forest regions and has drifted with currents from the north. Figure 4. The Northern range of Pinus silvestris, Larix sp. and Picea sp. (modified from Hustich 1966). — Utbreiðsla furu, lerkis og grenis. JÖKULL,No. 43, 1993 23
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