

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Síða 28

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Síða 28
Figure 7. Location of master tree-ring chronologies from the White Sea region. Numbers refer to Table 2. — Staðsetning grunngilda frá svæðinu umhverfis Hvíta Haf. Númer vísa til töflu 2. be synchronised internally, giving a mean curve (Ice- land 3 in Tables 2 and 3) which was dated to 1948 for the last tree ring via Pinus master chronologies from the White Sea region, this time centred around Murmansk (Table 2a; Figures 7 and 9). Thirteen Picea samples from sites B and C could also be synchronised and seven of them were used for a mean curve (Iceland 4 in Table 3). This Picea mean curve could be dated via Picea master chronologies from the White Sea region, with the end year of 1982 (Table 2b; Figure 7 and 10). From Greenland, one mean curve made out of two Pinus samples (Greenland 1 in Table 3) and one made out of three Picea samples (Greenland 2) (Figure 1 ;D) could also be dated by chronologies from the White Sea region (Table 2; Figure 7). Eggertsson (1994a) dated two Picea samples from Scoresby Sund via chronologies from the North Amer- ica. One with chronologies from the Mackenzie delta in Canada, and one with chronologies from the Yukon river drainage area in Alaska. American driftwood has, however, not been detected so far in the re- cent driftwood collections from Iceland or Svalbard (Bartholin and Hjort, 1987; Eggertsson 1994b). THE LARIX DRIFTWOOD Dendrochronological analysis of the Larix drift- wood samples is difficult due to problems with missing tree-rings and irregular tree-ring growth often caused by outbreaks of the larch bud moth (Schweingruber, 1988). Most of the Larixdriftwoodhas the root system preserved (78%), indicating that itbegan itsjourney to Iceland via natural processes, probably eroded from a river bank. Seven of the sampled logs gave relatively high in- ternal correlations and could be used to form a mean curve (Iceland 5 in Table 3), yet, that curve was not datable with the available chronologies from Rus- sia/Siberia. However, in the mountainous permafrost areas east of the Lena river (Figure 2) erosion by rivers is large and Larix is the dominating tree genus of the area (Hustich, 1966). Therefore it is assumed, as sug- gested by Samset (1991), that most of the Larix drift- wood found on Iceland originates from these areas and possibly also from farther east, from the drainages of Indigirka and Kolyma (Figure 2). Unfortunately, no tree-ring chronologies are available for comparison. DISCUSSION Of the 53 Picea samples collected in Iceland 13 (24%) could be absolutely dated with Picea master chronologies from the White Sea region (Figure 2) and out of the 232 Pinus samples collected, 12 (5%) could be dated with Pinus chronologies from the same area. Figure 11 shows the distribution of the ages of the outermost tree-ring for each of the datable logs from the White Sea area and Table 3 lists the dated driftwood mean curves from this study. The youngest of the outermost tree-ring on a Picea log collected in Strandir (Figure 1;B) in August 1988 was 1982, indicating that it may take less than six years for a log to drift from the White Sea region to the coasts of Iceland. The drift route of the samples originating in the White Sea region can be pictured as follows: rivers 26 JÖKULL, No. 43, 1993
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Jón Eyþórsson (1952-1967)
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Helgi Björnsson (1983-1985)
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Ólafur G. Flóvenz (1986-1987)
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Reykjavík Jöklarannsóknafélag Íslands Jarðfræðafélag Íslands 1951-.

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