

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Síða 32

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Síða 32
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my gratitude to Prof. Thorleifur Einarsson for supporting me during the beginning of this study and for his financial support during the field- work. I thankMr. Thomas Bartholin and Dr. Christian Hjort for supervising my Ph.D-studies, Mr. Hans Lin- derson for helpful discussions during the writing of this paper, Dr. Barbara Wohlfarth for valuable com- ments on the manuscript, the farmers of Fell, Finn- bogastaðir and Sauðanes in Iceland for giving me ac- cess to their driftwood. Special thanks to Prof. Fritz Schweingruber and Prof. Eugene Vaganov for giving me access to their unpublished chronologies and Prof. Dieter Eckstein and Miss Olivia Pignatelli for assist- ing me during the fieldwork. I also thank the referees, provided by Jökull, for improving the manuscript. REFERENCES Agardh, I. G., 1869. Omden Spetsbergska Drif-vedens ursprung. Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps. Akad. Förhandlingar 26, 97-119. Aniol, R. 1983. Tree-ring analysis using CATRAS. Dendrochronologia 1, 45-53. Bartholin, T. 1979. The Picea-Larix problem. IAWA Bulletin 1,7-10. Bartholin, T. and Hjort, C. 1987. Dendrochronolog- ical studies of recent driftwood on Svalbard. In Kairukstis, L., Bednarz, Z. and Feliksik, E., eds. Methods of Dendrochronology I. Polish Academy of Sciences, Systems Research Institute, Poland, 207-219. Bearman, G. 1989. Ocean circulation. Oxford: The Open University, Pergamon Press. 238 pp. Bitvinskas, T. T. and Kairaitus, E. E. 1979. Den- drochronological scales of a Murmansk- Carpathi- ans profile (in Russian). In Bitvinskas, T. T. ed. Dendroclimatological Scales ofThe Soviet JJnion 1. Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences, Lithuanian SSR, Kaunas, 52-78. Blake, W. Jr. 1972. Climatic implications of radio- carbon-dated driftwood in the Queen Elizabeth Is- lands, Arctic Canada. In Vasari, Y., Hyvarinen, H. and Hicks. S. eds. Climate changes in Arctic ar- eas during the last ten-thousandyears. Acta Univ. Oulu. A3, Geol. 1,77-104. Clague, J., Jozsa L. A. and Parker, M. L. 1982. Den- drochronological dating of glacier-dammed lakes: An example from Yukon Territory, Canada. Arctic and Alpine Research 14(4), 301-310. Cropper, J. P. and Fritts, H. C. 1981. Tree-ring width chronologies from the North American Arctic. Arctic and Alpine Research 13(3), 245-260. Edlund, E., 1966. Den sibiriska larken i Norrland och Dalarna som skogstrad och industrirávara. Flyt- barhet II. Svenska Skogvárdsförb. Tidskr. 5-6, 461-560. Eggertsson, Olafur. 1992. Driftwood in the Arc- tic, a dendrochronological study. In Bartholin, T.S., Berglund, B.E., Eckstein, D. and Schwe- ingruber, F.H. eds. Tree Rings and Environment, LUNDQUA Report 34, 94-97. Eggertsson, Ólafur. 1994a. Mackenzie River Drift- wood - a dendrochronological study. Arctic 47(2), 128-136. Eggertsson, Ólafur. 1994b. Driftwood as an indicator of relative changes in the influx of Arctic and At- lantic water into the costal areas of Svalbard. Polar Research 13 (2), (inpress). Eggertsson, Ólafur and Laeyendecker, D. Origin of the Frobisher Bay Driftwood, Baffin Island, Canada - a dendrochronological study. Arctic and Alpine Research (submitted) Eurola, S. 1971. The driftwoods of the Arctic Ocean. Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research station 7, 74-80. Giddings, J. L. 1941. Dendrochronology in north- ern Alaska. University ofAlaska Publication IV: Fairbanks, 107 pp. Giddings, J. L. 1943. The Oceans, a plan for mapping Arctic sea currents. GeographicalReview 33,326- 327. Giddings, J. L. 1952. Driftwood and problems of Arctic sea currents. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 96(2), 131-142. Hággblom, A. 1982. Driftwood in Svalbard as an in- dicatorof sea ice conditions. Geografiska Annaler 64A, 81-94. Hággblom, A. 1983. Drivved i Arktis. Nordenskiöld- Samf. Tidskr. 43, 19-37. 30 JÖKULL, No. 43, 1993
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