

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Síða 33

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Síða 33
Hibler, W.D., III. 1989. Arctic Ice-Ocean Dynamics. In Herman, Y. ed. The Arctic Seas, Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York and London, 47-91. Holmes, R.L., Adams, R. K. and Fritts, H. C. 1986. Tree-ring chronologies of western North America: California, eastern Oregon and north Great Basin. Chronology Series VI, University of Arizona, Tuc- son, 40 pp. Hustich, I. 1966. On the forest-tundra and the north- ern tree lines. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis A 11(36). Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research station 3, 7-47. Ingvarson, F. 1903. Om drifveden i Norra Ishafvet. Vetenskaps. Akad. Handlingar31(\), 1-84. Ingvarson, F. 1910. Die Treibhölzer auf dem Elles- mere-Land. Report of the Second Norwegian Arc- tic Expedition in the "Fram" 1898-1902. 24, Videnskabs-Selskabet i Kristiania, 57 pp. Koerner, R. M. 1973. The mass balance of the sea ice ofthe Arctic Ocean. Journal ofGlaciology 12(65), 173-185. Kristjánsson, Lúðvík. 1980. íslenzkir sjávarhœttir 1, 196-305, Menningarsjóður, Reykjavík. Lindman, C. 1883. Om drifved och andra hafs- strömmar uppkastande naturföremál vid Norges kuster. Göteborgs Kongl. Vetenskaps- och Vitter- hets- Samhalles Handl. 18, 1-106. Mangerud, J, and Gulliksen, S. 1975. Apparent radio- carbon age of Recent marine shells from Norway, Spitsbergen and Arctic Canada. Quaternary Re- search 5, 263-273 Nylinder, R, 1961. Om trád- och vedegenskapers inverkan pá rávolymvikt och ílytbarhet. Kungl. Skogshögsk. Inst. Virkesldra, upps. R 35, 1-26. Olavius, O., 1780. Oeconomisk Reise igiennem de nordvestlige, nordlige og nordöstlige Kanterafls- land, 126-147,192-196,421-428,553-556. Gyld- endals Forlag, Köbenhavn, 614 pp. (see also Icelandic translation from 1965, Olafur Olavius Ferðabók I-II, Bókfellsútgáfan, Reykjavík). Oswalt, W. 1951. The origin of driftwood at Hooper Bay, Alaska. Tree-Ring Bulletin 18, 6-8. Parker, M. L., Bramhall, P. A., and Johnson, S. G. 1983. Tree-ring dating of driftwood from raised beaches on the Hudson Bay coast. In Harington, C. R. ed. Climatic change in Canada3. Syllogeus 49, 220-258. Salvigsen, O. 1978. Holocene emergence and finds of pumice, whalebones and driftwood at Svartk- nausflya, Nordaustlandet. Norsk Polarinst. Arbok 7977,217-228. Salvigsen, O. 1981. Radiocarbon datedraised beaches in Kung Karls Land, Svalbard, and their conse- quences for the glacial history of Barents Sea area. Geografiska Annaler 63 A(3-4), 283- 291. Sal vigsen, O. and Mangerud, J. 1991. Holocene shore- line displacement at Agardhbukta, eastern Spits- bergen, Svalbard. Polar Research 9(1), 1-7. Samset, I. 1991. Naturens egen transportteknikk löste et ressursproblem. Rapp. Skogforsk 5, 1-31. Schweingruber, F. H. 1978. Microscopic Wood Ana- tomy. Swiss Federal Instituteof Forestry Research, Birmensdorf, 226 pp. Schweingruber, F. H. 1988. Tree Rings, Basics andAp- plications of Dendrochronology. D. Reidel Pub- lishing Company, Dordrecht, 276 pp. Stefánsson, Unnsteinn. 1961. Hafið. Almenna Bóka- félagið, Reykjavík, 293 pp. Stefánsson, Unnsteinn. 1962. North Icelandic Waters. Atvinnudeild Háskólans, Reykjavík, 269 pp. Stefánsson, Unnsteinn. 1981. Sjórinn við ísland. In Náttúra íslands 2nd ed., Almenna Bókafélagið, Reykjavík, 397-438. Stewart, T. G. and England, J. 1983. Holocene sea-ice variations and paleoenvironment change, north- ernmost Ellesmere Island, N.W.T., Canada. Arctic and Alpine Research 15, 1-17. Strubing, K. 1968. Úber Zusammenhánge zwischen der Eisfiihrung des Ostgrönlandstroms und der atmosphárische Zirkulation tiber dem Nordpo- larmeer. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift 20 (6), 68-79. Thorndike, A. S., and Colony, R. 1980. Large scale ice motion in the Beaufort Sea during AIDJEX, April 1975 - April 1976. In Pritchard ed. Sea Ice Processes and Models. University of Washington Press, Seattle, 177-186. Van Stone, J. W. 1958. The origin of driftwood on Nunivak Island, Alaska. Tree-Ring Bulletin 22(1- 4), 12-15. JÖKULL, No. 43, 1993 31
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