
Jökull - 01.12.1993, Side 40

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Side 40
Figure 5. The Miðfjörður bay and the coast east of there with a prominent beach ridge marking the regional marine limit reaching 35 m a.s.l. The Miðfjörðurterrace is visible along the western side of the Miðfjörðurbay itself with the Miðfjörður section (M) and the tephra section (T) indicated by arrows (cf. Figure 4). A sequence of short moraines formed during deglaciation of the area can be seen south of the bay (aerial photograph G-9547; 27.07.1983. Published with permission of the Iceland Geodetic Survey by permit no: 140; 27.06.1994). — Flugljósmynd afMiðfirði og strandlengjunni austan hans. Þar eru fjörumörk mjög greinileg í um 35 m hæð. Innri gerð sethjallans vestan Miðfjarðar var könnuð tveimur stöðum, við M ogT. Sunnan fjarðarins erfjöldi smárra jökulgarðafrá þeim tíma er jökull hörfaði inn yfir núverandi strönd Bakkaflóa. of Flautafell in the Þistilfjörðurarea was formed by an eastwardly moving glacier, while a ice-contact san- dur east of this mountain was formed at the edge of a northwardly moving glacier (Figure 3). The south- ernmost part of the Lónafjörður terraces (Figure 3), which is situated just above the 30 m marine limit, has numerous shallow kettle holes which most likely were formed by melting and disintegration of a stagnated glacier. 38 JÖKULL, No. 43, 1993



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