

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Side 44

Jökull - 01.12.1993, Side 44
present coastline with relative sea-level close to 45 m a.s.l. in this glacio-isostatically more depressed area. The marine limit on the western Melrakkaslétta penin- sula has, on the other hand, been 14C-dated to about 10,200 BP (Pétursson, 1991). Based on the above, we suggest that a glacial advance and formation of the regional 30 m marine limit and ice-marginal deposits in the Þistilfjörður and Bakkaflói areas occurred in the period between 10,200 and 9700 BP, i.e. at the ter- mination of the Weichselian glaciation. The 50-40 m level was, therefore, most likely formed during the Younger Dryas. The discovery of the rhyolitic Miðfjörður Tephra is of considerable interest as it offers the possibil- ity of tephrochronological correlation with other ar- eas. Geochemical analyses show that the Miðfjörður Tephra is chemically equivalent to the S-Tephra (Ta- ble I), found in the lowermost part of several soil sec- tions around and north of the Krafla volcano (Fig- ure 1), some 80 km south-west of Miðfjörður. K. Sæmundsson (1991) suggested that the deposition of the S-Tephra occurred shortly after the early Holocene deglaciation of the inland Krafla area. The stratigraph- ical position and the tentative age of the Miðfjörður Tephra clearly postdates the formation of the 30 m regional marine limit there. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are indebted to Halldór G. Pétursson, The Akureyri Museum of Natural History, for critically reading earlier drafts of the manuscript and mak- ing valuable comments, Dr. Karl Grönvold, Nordic Volcanological Institute in Reykjavík, for doing the Microprobe analyses, and Dr. Kristinn J. Alberts- son for critically reading the manuscript, making constructive comments and improving the English. Dr. Leó Kristjánsson and two anonymous reviewers are acknowledged for constructive criticism of the manuscript. Thorsteinn Sæmundsson, Lund Univer- sity, assisted in the field. Financial support (to Hregg- viður Norðdahl) from the Icelandic Council of Sci- ence, Division of Natural Sciences is acknowledged. The study is a contribution to the IGCP Project 253: Termination of the Pleistocene. REFERENCES Edwards, M. 1986. Glacial environments. In H. G. Reading, ed. Sedimentary environments and facies, 445-470. Blackwell Scientific Publishers, Oxford. Einarsson, Th. 1961. Pollenanalytische Untersuchun- gen zur spát-und post-glazialen Klimageschichte Islands. Sonderveröffentlichungen des Geologis- chen Institutes der Universitdt Köln 6, 52 pp. Hákansson, S. 1983. A reservoir age for the coastal waters of Iceland. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 105, 64-67. Hjartarson, Þ., F. Sigurðsson and Þ. H. Hafs- tað 1981. Vatnabúskapur Austurlands III. Loka- skýrsla, OS81006/VOD04, 198 pp. National En- ergy Authority, Reykjavík. Jóhannesson, H. and K. Sæmundsson 1989. Geologi- cal map oflcelancl. 1:500.000. Bedrock geology. Icelandic Museum of Natural History and Iceland Geodetic Survey, Reykjavík. Kjartansson, G. 1955. Fróðlegar jökulrákir. [English summary. Studies on glacial striae in Iceland]. Náttúrufrœðingurinn 25, 154-171. Kjartansson, G. 1958. Jarðmyndanir í Holtum og ná- grenni. [English summary. The Geology of Holt in Rangárvallasýsla, S. W. Iceland]. Department of Agriculture, Reports 11, 22 pp. University Re- search Institute, Reykjavík. Mangerud, J., S. T. Andersen, B. E. Berglund and J. J. Donner 1974. Quatemary stratigraphy of Nor- den, a proposal for terminology and classification. Boreas 3, 109-126. Norðdahl, H. 1983. Late Quaternary stratigraphy of Fnjóskadalur central North Iceland, a study of sed- iments, ice-lake strandlines, glacial isostasy and icefree areas. Lundqua Thesis 12, 78 pp. Norðdahl, H. 1991. Late Weichselian and Early Holocene deglaciation history of Iceland. Jökull 40, 27-50. Norðdahl, H. and C. Hjort 1987. Aldur jökulhörfunar í Vopnafirði. In ísaldarlok á Islandi. Abstract volume, Jarðfræðafélag Islands, Reykjavfk, 18-19. Norðdahl, H. and Th. Einarsson 1988. Hörfun jökla og sj ávarstöðubrey tingar í ísaldarlok Austfj örðum. (English summary. Late Weichselian Deglaciation 42 JÖKULL, No. 43, 1993



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Snævarr Guðmundsson (2013-2016)
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Reykjavík Jöklarannsóknafélag Íslands Jarðfræðafélag Íslands 1951-.

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