
Jökull - 01.01.2016, Side 6

Jökull - 01.01.2016, Side 6
Eyjólfur Magnússon et al. ment between the antenna centres is likely to be bro- ken at such locations. The 2D migration, which as- sumes a profile along a straight line, will also generate less accurate results at profile turns. Finally, to obtain a record with resolution along profile comparable to the resolution of the final bed DEM (20 m×20 m cell size) the elevation of bed traces was filtered along the length of each profile with 20 m wide triangular fil- ter (weight of centre value 3 fold that of the edges) and down sampled to one value each 20 m along the profile. The velocity of an electromagnetic wave in snow and ice is variable, mostly depending on density and water content. Below we justify our choice of assum- ing propagation velocity of the radar signal through the glacier, Cgl, equal 1.70×108 m s−1 (averaged from glacier bed to surface). The RES data was compared with a photogrammetric DEM of a glacier free area in 1994 (Belart, 2013; Magnússon et al., 2016) buried by glacier during the most recent surge of Leirufjarðarjökull outlet glacier (Björnsson et al., 2003; Brynjólfsson et al., 2015). The RMS error of the bare ground DEM was estimated to be only 1.04 m (estimated from ice free Lidar data; Magn- ússon et al., 2016). The comparison shows that the RES bed elevation is on average 2.2 m above the 1994 glacier free DEM with 2.4 m standard deviation (Fig- ure 4), when using Cgl=1.70×108 m s−1. The de- rived glacier thickness for this comparison data spans 17–98 m. The difference suggests an average ∼3.5% underestimate of the glacier thickness indicating that Cgl=1.75×108 m s−1 would be the appropriate veloc- ity value. Cgl=1.70×108 m s−1 was however used in our processing since it results in ∼0 m difference in the thicker part of the comparison area, with glacier thickness approaching 100 m. This is more appropri- ate for the whole data set with average glacier thick- ness of ∼120 m (thickness at profiles in March 2014). Both above values of Cgl are unusually high. Clear dry ice with density of 900–920 kg m−3, has Cice of 1.68–1.70×108 m s−1 (e.g. Evans and Smith, 1969), while values from wet ice in the ablation area of a tem- perate glacier typically span 1.55–1.65×108 m s−1 (e.g. Bradford et al., 2009; Murray et al., 2000). Two physical factors can contribute to the high Cgl in the range of 1.70–1.75×108 m s−1: Relatively low water content of the glacier in late winter and a thick win- ter snow layer (Csnow may exceed 2.00×108 m s−1; see e.g. Evans, 1965) relative to the glacier thick- ness. Snow thickness obtained from snow coring dur- ing the RES survey revealed ∼7 m of snow in the main area covered by the 1994 comparison DEM. The thick snow layer could also explain the why the difference between the 1994 DEM and the RES bed elevations decreases with increasing glacier thickness. Underestimates of the glacier thickness may be caused by the shortcomings of the 2D migration. This typically occurs when profiles are not driven parallel to the maximum slope of a steep bed. In such cases the migrated reflection may be shifted upwards by cross track bed reflections originating up-slope from the measurement location. Profiles were generally driven close to parallel to surface slope, often also reflecting the bed slope direction, to minimize this effect. De- spite such effort to avoid erroneous interpretation, mi- gration error is likely to result in underestimate of the glacier thickness (assuming a correct value of Cgl). Using a Cgl value slightly higher than the true Cgl would compensate for the mean offset caused by the migration errors. This may to some degree explain the relatively high Cgl value indicated by the compar- ison (Figure 4). The comparison data is from pro- files that are representative of other profiles in terms of bed topography and how they are aligned relative to bed slope direction; hence we assume that the possi- ble overestimation of Cgl, relative to the „true value“, is likely to reduce the mean offset caused by the mi- gration errors in other areas as well. There are 189 crossovers in the RES-profile set. About half of them have <1 m difference for the trian- gular filtered bed traces, 92% <4 m difference and all except 3 have <7.5 m difference. The three outliers, which have 10, 14 and 20 m difference are all from sites where the bed slope is very steep (∼45◦ for the 20 m difference). Large difference can be expected at such location since the 2D migration is very much de- pendent on whether the profiles were driven approx- imately parallel to the bed slope direction or not, as explained above. RMS difference of the traced bed elevation at the crossing points, with and without the 6 JÖKULL No. 66, 2016
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