
Jökull - 01.01.2016, Blaðsíða 20

Jökull - 01.01.2016, Blaðsíða 20
Eyjólfur Magnússon et al. with 2001–2006 surge of Reykjarfjarðarjökull (Sig- urðsson, 2003; 2007; Þrastarson, 2006). D6 was at similar locations in 2011 as D2 in 1946, 8 years af- ter the 1933–1938 surge of Reykjarfjarðarjökull (Sig- urðsson, 1998). D6 seems to be formed slightly up glacier from a step in the bedrock topography (Figure 15c). Assuming that D1–3 were formed during the 1930s surge, their forming locations may also be re- lated to the same step in bed topography, which passes the 1946 locations of all these depressions. It is how- ever difficult to relate the formation location of D4, D5 and D7 to any particular feature in the bed topog- raphy. Even though the depressions are initially large crevasses, they are then mostly filled by snow accu- mulation; many crevasses in 2005, appearing similar to the preserved depressions, had disappeared in 2011. The ones preserved strongly effect the surface topog- raphy in their vicinity in the SW-NE direction (or up and down glacier), likely through snow drift and wind scouring (Figure 11) that probably also play a crucial part in preserving the depressions. Vectors indicating the observed rate of displace- ment were obtained for depression D3 (Figure 15a). For comparison, surface velocity vectors from Stokes ice flow model obtained using the Icetools library (Jarosch, 2008) run with the finite element pack- age Fenics, were also calculated. The model ob- tains 3D velocity fields caused by ice deformation for the whole ice cap, using the bedrock DEM and the glacier surface DEMs at corresponding dates (ex- cept for 1994, where 1985 DEM was used due to only partial coverage of the 1994 DEM). The same ice flow rate factor as in Belart et al. (in open review, 2016) was used; the rate factor was scaled to fit ob- served stake displacement on Leirufjarðarjökull and S-Drangajökull in the summer 2013–2014. Compari- son of the modelled surface velocity and the observed displacements indicates similar magnitudes of dis- placement except during the period 1994–2005, that includes the last surge of Reykjarfjarðarjökull. There is however a significant difference between the ob- served and modelled displacement direction. The ob- Figure 15. a) The area of steep surface depressions in the accumulation area of Reykjarfjarðarjökull (red box in bottom right corner image). The ice cap surface in 2011 is shown as a shaded relief image with contours overlain (10 m contour interval). The dot-line polygons indicate outlines of the depressions (named D1-5), as seen in 1946 aerial photographs (Belart, 2013; Magnússon et al., 2016) and at various times since then. The color-coding with dates shown for D3 applies to all traced depressions. Depressions D2 and D3 are still clearly detected in Pléiades images in October 2014 (Belart et al., in open review, 2016), while D1, D4 and D5 have disappeared from the surface. The black arrow indicates the rate of displacement for D3, while red arrow in- dicates modelled surface motion applying Stokes ice flow model. b) Orthorectified aerial photograph of the same areas acquired 27 July 2005 by Loftmyndir ehf. showing numerous new similar depressions including D6 and D7 (also shown in a). Black lines indicate locations of RES-profiles and blue line the location of the RES-profile shown in c, near the tracked path of D2 (blue line in b). The roman number in b and c indicates locations where the radar passed cauldrons. Features in the RES-profile at shallow depth under the numbers are probably side reflections from the depressions. – a) Skuggamynd ásamt hæðarlínukorti (10 m hæðarlínu- bil) sem sýnir jökulyfirborð, í júlí 2011, á hluta ákomusvæðis Reykjarfjarðarjökuls. Þar er að finna sérstæðar krappar dældir í jökulyfirborði. Punktalínuform sýnir staðsetningu dældanna á ýmsum tímum frá 1946 til 2014. Litir á punktalínum gefa ártal staðsettra dælda sem sýnt er fyrir dæld D3. Ferla D2 og D3 í yfirborði jökulsins má rekja í gegnum allt tímabilið meðan D1, D4 og D5 hafa horfið á tímabilinu. D6 og D7 sjást hins vegar ekki í tiltækum myndum fyrir 2005. Svartar örvar sýna mældan yfirborðshraða og stefnu D2 en rauðar örvar hraða og stefnu hans reiknaða með ísflæðilíkani. b) Upprétt loftmynd af sama svæði þann 27. júlí, 2005, sem sýnir Reykjarfjarðarjökul í framhlaupi og fjölda svipaðra nýrra dælda í yfirborðinu þ.m.t. D6 og D7. Svartar línur sýna legu íssjársniða. Blá lína sýnir legu íssjársniðs sýnt á c. Rómverskar tölur tengja saman staði í sniði (c) við staðsetningar á loftmynd (b). 20 JÖKULL No. 66, 2016
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