
Jökull - 01.01.2016, Síða 67

Jökull - 01.01.2016, Síða 67
The marginal zone of Tungnaárjökull, Iceland The lake shorelines and wave-cut platform doc- ument the varied rates at which the water levels dropped, until the complete disappearance of the lakes. The disappearance of the ice-dammed lake in the northernmost part of the glacier forefield (the northern study area) is documented by the fine- grained nature of the deposits, which probably repre- sent its shore zone. Sedimentological studies of one of the deltas which formed within an ice-dammed lake, in contact with the stagnating glacier snout, showed that it developed as a result of the deposition of sedi- ments in an ice-dammed lake in conditions of hyper- pycnal supply. Sedimentological studies of the preserved frag- ments of the kame terrace in the southern study area show that it was formed in variable depositional con- ditions, initially in an ice-dammed lake, and subse- quently in conditions of meltwater flow in a south- westerly direction. The earliest stage of the formation of relief and depositional environments in the northern part of Tungnaárjökull was associated with the maximum ex- tent of the glacier snout at the end of the nineteenth century. Its record includes glacial forms and sedi- ments on the ridge and western side of Jökulgrindur. The ice-dammed lake which developed due to the blocking of the meltwater outflow probably drained before 1939. The next development of this zone was associated with the surge of 1945, when an ice-dammed lake formed. An ice-dammed lake may also have appeared during a surge in the years 1915–1920. In the opinion of the authors, the preserved glacilacustrine forms and deposits are associated with the surge of the glacier in 1945, at which time the glacier in part reached Jökul- grindur. These forms and deposits are dated similarly by Evans et al. (2009). The last stage in the development of Tungnaár- jökull’s forefield is connected with its recession fol- lowing the 1945 and 1994–1995 surges and a small advance in the northern part of the marginal zone which caused a slight redistribution of the proglacial drainage at the immediate forefield of the glacier and the creation of small, episodic lakes. Acknowledgements The authors thank professors Emrys R. Phillips and Ívar Benediktsson for their valuable and insightful re- views of the article, which led to significant improve- ments. This research project was financially supported by a grant from The State Committee for Scientific Research, No. 2 P04E 045 26. ÁGRIP Birtar eru niðurstöður kortlagningar setlaga og land- forma við norðurjaðar Tungnaárjökuls sem mynduð- ust í og við jökullón frá lokum litlu ísaldar. Þetta er fyrsta rannsókn af þessu tagi við jaðar Tungnaárjök- uls. Landmótunarumhverfi voru túlkuð á grunni set- lagagreininga. Strandlínur, lítil brimþrep, gamlar ár- keilur og sethjallar tengjast gömlum jökullónum. Jök- ullónin mynduðust við norðvesturjaðar Tungnaárjök- uls er hann stíflaði útfallið við Jökulgrindur. Gömul kort og loftmyndir benda til að myndun lónanna megi rekja til framhlaups jökulsins 1945. REFERENCES Andrzejewski, L. 2002. The impact of surges on the ice-marginal landsystem of Tungnaárjökull, Iceland. Sedim. Geol. 149, 59–72. Andrzejewski, L. and P. Molewski 1999. Glacidynamic and sedimentological conditions of glacitectonic dis- turbances in selected marginal zones of glaciers in Iceland. Quaternary Studies in Poland, Special issue, 209–218. Andrzejewski, L. and P. Molewski 2000. Glacitectonic dis- turbances of the limno- and glacifluvial deposits in the marginal zones of Skeidarárjökull and Tungnaárjökull (Iceland) and their glacidynamic conditions. Quaes- tiones Geographicae 21, 13–25. Andrzejewski, L., P. Molewski and J. Szmańda 2005. Paleohydrologiczne nastȩpstwa dynamiki Tungnaár- jökull –zapis w formach i osadach północnej czȩści strefy marginalnej (Palaeohydrological consequences of Tungnaárjökull dynamics recorded in landforms and deposits in the north part of the marginal zone). In: P. Molewski (ed.). Rekonstrukcja procesów glacjal- nych w wybranych strefach marginalnych lodowców Islandii – formy i osady (Reconstruction of glacial processes in the chosen marginal zones of the Ice- landic glaciers, forms and deposits). Terenowe warsz- JÖKULL No. 66, 2016 67
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