
Fréttablaðið - 14.11.2020, Qupperneq 99

Fréttablaðið - 14.11.2020, Qupperneq 99
1 in 3 people with diabetes will develop some form of vision loss during their lifetime1 People with diabetes are up to three times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease Kidney failure is ten times more common in people with diabetes1 A lower limb is lost to diabetes somewhere in the world every 30 seconds2 8 every seconds someone dies from diabetes Diabetes is serious but much can be done to reduce the impact. The majority of type 2 diabetes is preventable and complications can be avoided with good management and care. Learn how at #WorldDiabetesDay Diabetes concerns every family. It is a leading cause of blindness, amputation, heart disease, kidney failure and early death. THERE ARE OVER 425 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE WITH DIABETES 1 IDF Diabetes Atlas 8th Edition 2017, 2 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 14. NÓVEMBER ALÞJÓÐADAGUR SYKURSÝKI 463 MILLJÓNIR MANNA Í HEIMINUM RU MEÐ SYKURSÝKI Sykursýki er alvarlegur sjúkdómur sem snertir flestar fjölskyldur. Sykursýki er algengasta orsök blindu, aflimana, hjarta- og æðasjúkdóma, nýrnabilunar og ótímabærs dauða. Með 8 sekúndna millibili deyr einhver af völdum sykursýki Sykursýki tegund 1 og tegund 2 hafa mismunandi orsakir, en einkenni, afleiðingar og fylgikvillar eru þau sö u. Þú getur minnkað verulega hættuna á að þú fáir sykursýki tegund 2 með hollu mataræði, reglulegri hreyfingu og með því að gæta að líkamsþyngdinni. Fáðu nánari upplýsingar 1 in 3 people with diabetes will develop some form of vision loss during their lifetime1 People with diabetes are up to three times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease Kidney failure is ten times more common in people with diabetes1 A lower limb is lost to diabetes somewhere in the world every 30 seconds2 8 every seconds someone dies from diabetes Diabetes is serious but much can be done o reduce the i pact. The majority of type 2 diabetes is preventable and complications can be avoided with good management and care. Learn how at www. #WorldDiabetesDay Diabetes concerns every family. It is a leading cause of blindness, amputation, heart disease, kidney failure and early death. THERE ARE OVER 425 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE WITH DIABETES 1 IDF Diabetes Atlas 8th Edition 2017, 2 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Samtök sykursjúkra Á 30 sekúndna fresti missir inhver tá eða fót vegna sykursýki Nýrnabilun er um tíu sinnum algengari hjá fólk m ð sykursýki en öðrum Einstaklingar með sykursýki eru allt að þrisvar sinnum líklegri en aðrir til að fá hjarta- og æða júkdóma 1 af hverjum 3 ein- staklingum með sykursýki verður fyrir einhvers konar sjón- skerðingu
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