Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1982, Blaðsíða 12
Um dýpdarboringina í Vestmanna og í Lopra
frøSiligar mátingar, verður nú gjølla kannað, og tá tað er
liðugt viðgjørt, um 1—2 ár, givið út í bók (Fróðskaparrit —
Bott, M. H. P., Sunderland, ]., Smith, P. ]., Casten, U., and Saxov, S.
1974: Evidence for continental crust beneath the Faeroe Islands. Nature
248, p. 202—204.
Bott, M. H. P. 1975: Structure and Evolution of the North Scottish Shelf,
the Faeroe Block and the Intervening Region. In : Woodland, A. W.:
Petroleum and the continental Shelf of NW. Europe.
Nielsen, P. Hedebol, Waagstein, R., Rasmussen, ]., and Larsen, B. 1979:
Marine seismic Investigation of the Shelf around the Faroe Islands.
Fróðskaparrit 27. bók, p. 102—112.
Noe-Nygaard, A. 1966: The invisible Part of the Faroes. Medd. Dansk
Geol. Foren. Bd. 16, p. 191—195.
Rasmussen, ]. og Noe-Nygaard, A. 1969: Beskrivelse til geologisk Kort
over Faerøerne. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse, 1 Rk. Nr. 24, 370 p.
Roberts, D. C. 1975: Tectonic and Stratigraphic evolution of the Rockall
Plateau and Trough. In: Woodland, A. W.: Petroleum and the conti-
nental Shelf of NW. Europe.
Saxov, S. og Abrahamsen, N. 1964: A note on some gravity and density
measurings in the Faroe Islands. Boll. di geofis. Teor. ed Appl. Vol. 4,
p. 249—260.
Saxov, S. og Abrahamsen, N. 1966: Some geophysical investigations in the
Faroe Islands. Zeitschrift fiir Geophysik 32, pp. 455—471.
Saxov, S. 1969: Gravimetry in the Faroe Islands. Geodætisk Institut,
Medd. Nr. 43.
Schrøder, N. F. 1971: Magnetic anomalies around the Faeroe Islands.
Fróðskaparrit 19. bók, 20—29.
Waagstein, R. 1977: The Geology of the Faeroe Plateau. (Licentiatritgerð,
Københavns Universitet 195 p.)
A 1:50.000 geological map of the Faeroe Islands was published in 1969
with a shortened English edition in 1970. It was based on strictly chrono-
stratigraphic principles. A total sequence of 3 km of tholeiitic basalt lavas