Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1999, Blaðsíða 234
BioFar stations: 19 (1), 32 (1), 49 (1), 68 (2), 69 (17),
122 (3), 158 (5), 167 (1), 168 (1), 169 (3), 170 (2),
227 (3), 228 (6), 233 (2), 268 (1), 270 (1), 285 (1),
295 (1), 301 (1), 359 (1), 381 (6), 420 (1), 421 (9),
422 (1), 453 (2), 457 (1), 459 (1), 467 (1), 477(4),
478 (4), 479 (2), 483 (3), 493 (1), 494 (5), 495 (2),
515 (1), 518 (42), 519 (18), 520 (3), 522 (17), 523
(47), 524 (11), 562 (1), 563 (181), 564 (31), 620
(1), 689 (33), 690 (27), 691 (1), 692 (4), 695 (22),
722 (1), 747 (1), 755 (1), 756 (1), 757 (1), 760 (1),
761 (2), 762 (3), 763 (3), 764 (2), 765 (1), 766 (2),
Other records: Faroe-Shetland Channel (Bell 1892);
Rockall Trough (Gage et al., 1985); Porcupine
Seabight (Farran 1913)
Bathymetrical range within the area: 200 - 1,500 m
Substrate: clay, sand, gravel, stones
Temperature: -0.95° - +7.9°C (measured); estimated: -
0.9° - +8.6°C
Water mass: AW, AW/AI, AI, AI/NW, NW
World distribution: Circum-arctic: In the West At-
lantic south to Cape Cod; in the East Atlantic south
to SW Norway and west of Ireland south to the
Bay of Biscay, c. 44°N, at a bottom temperature of
-1.4 to 14.8°C.
World bathymetrical range: 16 - 2,250 m
Remarks: During BioFar, the species was found all
around the Faroes. Most individuals (181 speci-
mens) were found at St. 563. The species is poly-
morphic and it has been suggested that there should
be a distinction between a cold water (P. tenuispi-
nus var. platynota) and a warm water form (P.
tenuispinus var. marionis). AU specimens exam-
ined have marginal plates of different forms, which
suggest only one species.
Map 4. Records ofTremaster mirabilis Verrill (♦), Chondraster grandis (Verrill) (A), Porania pulvillus (O.F.
Miiller) (•), and Poraniomorpha bidens Mortensen (■) in the Faroe region.
Kort 4. Skrásetingar av Tremaster mirabilis Verrill (♦), Chondraster grandis (Verrill) (A), Porania pulvillus
(O.F. Miiller) (•), og Poraniomorpha bidens Mortensen (■) í føroyskum øki.