Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1999, Blaðsíða 239
13' 12' 11' 10' 9*
13' 12' 11’ 10' 9'
Map 6. Records of Hippasteria prygiana (Parelius) (•), and Pseudarchaster gracilis (Sladen) (A) in the Faroe
Kort 6. Skrásetingar av Hippasteria prygiana (Parelius) (•) og Pseudarchaster gracilis (Sladen) (A) í føroyskura
Reference to best description of the species:
Mortensen (1927: 87-88, Fig. 49); Clark and
Downey (1992: 264, Pl. 63a, b)
BioFar stations: 6 (1), 8 (1), 43 (1), 48 (1), 65 (1), 68
(1), 69 (1), 70 (1), 117 (1), 118 (1), 122 (1), 146
(1), 154 (2), 164 (1), 175 (1), 233 (3), 268 (1), 302
(1) , 310 (2), 315 (2), 317 (1), 323 (1), 327 (1), 333
(2) , 334 (1), 352 (1), 354 (1), 356 (1), 357 (1), 363
(1), 381 (1), 390 (1), 420 (3), 423 (2), 453 (1), 490
(1), 492 (1), 494 (3), 495 (2), 496 (2), 497 (1), 509
(1), 514 (3), 515 (6), 518 (5), 522 (2), 595 (1), 598
(1), 689 (4), 690 (1), 691 (2), 695 (11), 739 (1),
760 (1), 762 (1), 763 (2), 764 (5), 776 (3), 777 (1)
Other records: South of the Wyville-Thomson Ridge
(Murray and Hjort 1912), north of Ireland (Bell
1892), Rockall Trough (Gage et al., 1985).
Bathymetrical range within the area: 170 - 1,083 m
Substrate: clay, sand, shell-sand, gravel, stones
Temperature: 0.3° - 7.9°C (measured); estimated: 0.3°
- 8.6°C
Water mass: AW, AW/AI, AI, AI/NW
World distribution: Circumboreal (D’yakonov 1950):
In the West Atlantic from Newfoundlanđ to Flori-
da; in the East Atlantic from the Faroes and North-
ern Norway to the Bay of Biscay. It is also record-
ed from Southem Greenland.
World bathymetrical range: 75 - 2,300 m.
Remarks: The species is distributed all around the
Faroes. Downey (in Clark and Downey 1992) de-
scribes three species and one sub-species in the
genus Pseudarchaster in the Atlantic.