Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Qupperneq 125

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Qupperneq 125
RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM 125 political, and economic survey. Reprint from Viðskiptaskráin 1956. [Rvík 1956]. 8vo. BJÖRNSSON, SVEINN. Anförande av Riksföre- standaren ... Sth. 1942. 8vo. BOCKEMÍÍHL, ERICH. Odin und seine Welt. Die Sagen der Edda der Jugend und dem Volk erzáhlt. Marholds Jugendbiicher. Heft 38. Halle a. S. ál. 8vo. BOUCHER, ALAN E., M. A. Iceland. Some im- pressions. Rvík 1949. 8vo. BREKKE, EGIL NYGAARD. Sverre-sagaens opp- hav. Tiden og forfatteren. Skrifter utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo. II. Hist.- Filos. Klasse. 1958. No. 1. Oslo 1958. 4to. BRÖGGER, A. W. Vinlandsferdene. Oslo 1937. 8vo. BUKDAHL, JÖRGEN. Nordisk digtning fra old- tiden til vore dage. Odense [1956]. 4to. BÆJARÚTGERÐ REYKJAVÍKUR. Bæjarútgerff Reykjavíkur önsker deltakeme i den nordiske hovedstadskonferansen velkommen. Rvík [1957]. 8vo. — Sveriges konungs besök juli 1957. Rvík [1957]. 8vo. CELANDER, HILDING. Förkristen jul enligt nor- röna kállor. Mit einer deutschen Zusammen- fassung. Göteborgs universitets ársskrift, vol. LXI, 3. Sth. 1955. 8vo. CLARK, AUSTIN H. Iceland and Greenland. — Smithsonian Institution. War Background Studies, number fifteen. Wash. 1943. 8vo. CLEASBY, RICHARD & VIGFÚSSON, GUD- BRAND: An Icelandic-English Dictionary. 2. ed. With a Supplement by Sir William Craigie. Oxford 1957. 4to. CONSTITUTION of the Republic of Iceland, The. Second printing. Rvík 1957. 8vo. DAHLSTEDT, KARL-HAMPUS. Islándsk dialekt- geografi. Nágra synpunkter. Scripta Islandica, 9. Sártryck. Uppsala och Sth. 1958. 8vo. DAUTERT, ERICH. Islandfahrt. Felsen, Fischer und Vulkane. Mit 19 Bildern des Verfassers. Leipzig 1939. 8vo. DEGELIUS, GUNNAR. The epiphytic lichen flora of the birch stands in Iceland. Acta Horti Goto- burgensis, vol. XXII: 1. Göteborg 1957. 8vo. DIPLOMATIC LIST including Consuls of Career accredited at Reykjavík and List of Honorary Consuls in Iceland. November 1956. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Rvík 1956. 8vo. — — June 1957. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Rvík 1957. 8vo. -----November 1957. Ministry for Foreign Af- fairs. Rvík 1957. 8vo. DIRECTORY OF ICELAND 1956. (33rd edition). Official and commercial information. Rvík 1956. 8vo. — (34rd (sic) edition). Official and commercial information. Rvík 1957. 8vo. DONEGANI, JOYCE A„ N. DUNGAL, ELIZA- BETH W. IKIN and A. E. MOURANT. The blood groups of the Icelanders. Reprinted from Annals of Eugenics, vol. 15, part 2. 1950. 8vo. DÚASON, JÓN. Die koloniale Stellung Grönlands. Göttinger Beitráge fiir Gegenwartsfragen. Band 11. Göttingen 1955. 8vo. DUNGAL, NIELS. Cancer in Iceland. Moynihan Lecture delivered at the Royal College of Sur- geons of England on 19th January 1955. Re- printed from Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, vol. 16. London 1955. 8vo. — Cardioaortitis. Report of a case. Reprinted from the Archives of Pathology, vol. 42, Chicago, 111. 1947. 4to. — Eradication of hydatid disease in Iceland. Re- printed from the „New Zeeland Medical Jour- nal“, vol. LVI, no. 313. 1957. 8vo. — Looking for orchids in South America. Re- printed from American Orchid Society Bulle- tin, Vol. 24, No. 8. 1955. 8vo. — Measles encephalitis. Report of a case. Revue Belge de Pathologie et de Médicine Experi- mentale. Extrait, tome XXI, no. 3. Bruxelles 1951. 8vo. — Occurrence and manifestations of tuberculosis in Iceland. Reprint. Acta tuberculosea scandi- navica, vol. XIX, fasc. 3—4. 8vo. — Preservation of orchid pollen and seeds by dry freezing. Reprinted from American Orchid So- ciety Bulletin, vol. 22. 1953. 8vo. — Rickets in Iceland. Extracted from the Ameri- can Journal of Medical Sciences, 210. 1945. 8vo. — The problem of medical educational films. Re- printed from the British Medical Journal, vol. I. 1946. 8vo. DUNGAL, N„ THORGILS BENEDIKTSSON.
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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