Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 126

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 126
126 R 1 T Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM Gastric cancer and atherosclerosis. Reprinted from The Lancet. London 1958. 8vo. EDDADIKT. Skaldekvad. Folkeviser. Oslo 1941. 8vo. EDITIONES ARNAMAGNÆANÆ. Consilio et Auctoritate Legati Arnamagnæani a Jón Helga- son administratæ. Series A, Vol. 1. Ólafs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta. Udgivet af Ólafur Hall- dórsson. Förste bind. Hafniæ 1958. 8vo. [EGILS SAGA]. Egilssoga. Skuleutgave ved Magne Heggstad. Oslo 1956. 8vo. EINARSSON, ÁRMANN KR. Den löynde skatten. Ei forteljing frá Island. Til norsk ved Ivar Eskeland. Bergen 1957. 8vo. — Flyvraket. Omsett av Ivar Eskeland. Teikning- ar: Odd Björnsson. Bergen 1958. 8vo. — Flyvraket. Oversatt av Ivar Eskeland. Tegn- inger: Odd Björnsson. Bergen 1958. 8vo. — Med fly til England. Omsett av Ivar Eskeland. Orig. titel: „Flugferðin til Englands". Bergen 1958. 8vo. — Med fly til England. Oversatt av Ivar Eskeland. Orig. titel: „Flugferðin til Englands". Bergen 1958. 8vo. EINARSSON, FRIÐRIK. Fracture of the upper end of the humerus. Discussion based on the follow-up of 302 cases. Translated by Anna la Cour, née Claessen. [Drg.I Acta orthopaedica scandinavica, supplementum no. XXXII. Kbh. 1958. 8vo. EINARSSON, STEFÁN. A history of Icelandic literature. N. Y. 1957. 8vo. -— Bjólfur and Grendill in Iceland. Modern Language Notes, vol. LXXI, no. 2. [Úrtak]. 1956. 8vo. — Einar Ól. Sveinsson, ed., Brennu-Njáls saga. (Reykjavík: Hið íslenzka Fornritafélag, 1954. CLXIII-|-516 pp. íslenzk Fornrit, 12). Modern Language Notes, vol. LXXI. [Ritd. Úrtak]. 1956. 8vo. — Iceland and its literature. Reprinted from Pro- ceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 101, no. 4. Phila. 1957. 4to. — Icelandic. Grammar. Texts. Glossary. Third printing. Baltimore 1956. 8vo. — Report on rímur. Reprinted from The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, vol. LIV, no. 2. 1955. 8vo. — The Age of the Sturlungs. Icelandic Civili- zation in the Thirteenth Century. By Einar ÓI. Sveinsson. Trans. Jóhann S. Hannesson. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1953. Pp. XIV + 180. (Islandica, XXXVI.) Modem Language Notes. [Ritd. Úrtak]. 1954. 8vo. [EIRÍKS SAGA RAUÐA]. La saga d’Eric le rouge, Le récit des Grænlandais. Texte islandais avec introduction, traduction, notes et glossaire de Maurice Gravier, professeur a la Sorbonne. (Bibliotheque de Philologie Germanique publiée sous la direction de A. Jolivet et F. Mossé. XVII). Paris 1955. 8vo. EKEBERG, GUSTAV; FOLKE ÁKESSON iut- givare). Véra grannar. 4. Island. Tecknare: Ragnar Kallander. Foto: Henrik Gustafson. Ferdaskrifstofa ríkisins. Sth. 1958. 8vo. ELDJÁRN, KRISTJÁN. Alte islandische Kunst. Aufnahmen von Ilanns Reich. Mtinchen 1957. 4to. — Ancient Icelandic art. Introduction and picture- texts by * * * Photos taken by Hanns Reich and others. Miinchen 1957. 4to. — Gammal konst pá Island. Inledning och bild- texter: *** Foto: Hanns Reich. Malmö 1957. 4to. — Viking Archaeology in Iceland. Reprint from: Þriðji Víkingafundur, Third Viking Congress. Árbók hins íslenzka fornleifafélags, fylgirit 1958. [Rvík] 1958. 8vo. ESKELAND, IVAR. Med Mari og Einar til Island. Trondhjem 1957. 8vo. — Nobelprisvinnaren Halldór Kiljan Laxness. Ein studieplan i dei store romanane hans. Utar- beidd av cand. philol. * * * Moderne roman- dikting. Bergen 1957. 12mo. EYLANDS, V. J. Jónas Kristján Jónasson. Aug. 4, 1862 — Sept. 7, 1944. Funeral address. De- livered by Rev. V. J. Eylands in the First Lutheran Church. Sl., ál. 8vo. [EYRBYGGJA SAGA]. Soga om Öyrbyggjene. Omsett frá gamalnorsk av Jostein Högetveit. Norröne bokverk, Nr. 10. Oslo 1939. 8vo. FOREDRAG holdt pa Den IV. nordiske fiskeri- konference i Reykjavík 2.—5. august 1954. Rvík 1956. 8vo. FREEMAN, WILLIAM. Hear! Hear! An informal guide to public speaking after dinner; on the lecture platform; over the radio. 111. by Gluyas
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