Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 129

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 129
RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM 129 Hrsgg. von Manfred Szadrowsky. Altdeutsche Ubungstexte, Bd. 10. Bern ál. 8vo. ICELAND COUNTRY STUDY. European Reco- very Program. Wash. 1949. 8vo. ICELANDIC CANADIAN, THE. Vol. XIV—XV. Wpg. 1955—57. 8vo. ICELANDIC FISHMEAL AND FISHOILS. [Rvík 1956]. 8vo. ICELANDIC LYRICS. Originals and translations. Selected and edited by Richard Bech, professor of Scandinavian languages and literatures in the University of North Dakota. Illustrated. ís- lenzk ljóð. Frumkvæði og þýðingar. Valið og búið undir prentun hefur Richard Bech, pró- fessor í Norðurlandamálum og bókmenntum við Norður Dakota háskóla. Með myndum. Reykjavík 1930. Lithographed by Litbrá. Rvík 1956. 8vo. ICELANDIC MISCELLANY. An exhibition of books and manuscripts relating to the early literature of Iceland. Edinburgh 1957. 8vo. ICELAND PONY, THE. Rvík [1957]. 4to. IJSLAND. Voorwoord van Gunnar Gunnarsson. Inleiding en verklarende tekst bij de foto’s van Sigurdur Thorarinsson. Foto’s van Helga Fietz en anderen. Oorspronkelijke titel: „Island“. Vertaald uit het Duits door J. Roeland Vermeer. Brussel-Amsterdam 1956. 4to. INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANI- ZATION. Agreement on the joint financing of certain air navigation services in Iceland. Opened for signature at Geneva, on 25 Septem- ber 1956. Montreal 1957. 8vo. ISLAND. Förord: Gunnar Gunnarsson. Inledning och bildkommentar: Sigurdur Thorarinsson. Foto: Helga Fietz och andra. Malmö 1956. 4to. — Vorwort von Gunnar Gunnarsson. Einfiihrung und Bilderláuterungen von Sigurdur Thorar- insson. Aufnahmen von Helga Fietz und an- deren. Munchen 1955. 4to. ISLAND. Islándisch-deutsche Jahresschrift. Her- ausgegeben von der Gesellschaft Germania. Schriftleitung: Sigurdur Pétursson, Pétur Ól- afsson. Rvík 1956. 4to. ISLAND-DANMARK OG HÁNDSKRIFTSAGEN. Særtryk af „Dansk udsyn“ (udgivet af Askov höjskole). Askov 1957. 8vo. ISLANDICA. Ed. by Jóhann S. Hannesson. Vol. XXXVIII. The sagas of Icelanders (íslendinga Árbók Lbs. ’57-’58 sögur). By Jóhann S. Hannesson. A supplement to Islandica I and XXIV. Ithaca, N. Y. 1957. 8vo. -----Vol. XXXIX. The Hólar Cato. An Icelandic Schoolbook of the Seventeenth Century. Edited with an introduction and two appendices by Halldór Hermannsson. Ithaca, N. Y. 1958. 8vo. ISLÁNDSKA SAGOR. Översatta frán fornis- lándskan och utgivna av Hjalmar Alving. Gisle Surssons saga. Grette Asmundssons (den starkes) saga. Sth. 1955. 8vo. — — Hravnkel Freysgodes saga. Hönsa-Tores saga. Viga-Glums saga. De sammansvurnas saga. Smásagor. Sth. 1945. 8vo. -----Hravnkel Freysgodes saga. Hönsa-Tores saga. Viga-GIums saga. De sammansvurnas saga. Smásagor. Sth. 1955. 8vo. ------ Njals saga. Sth. 1954. 8vo. ISLANDSK SAGA. Halldór Kiljan Laxness: For- fattaren og hans verk. Anne IJoltsmark: Forsk- erne og sagaen. Ole Langseth: Sagaen sett med dikteres öyne. Tresnittene er laget av Hans Gerhard Sörensen og trykt direkte fra kunst- nerens plater. Oslo 1958. Grbr. ÍSLENZK ENDURTRYGGING (The National Icelandic Reinsurance Company). Accounts 1956. [Rvík 1957]. 4to. ÍSÓLFSSON, PÁLL. Chaconne for organ. London 1948. 4to. IVERSEN, RAGNVALD. Norrön grammatikk. Femte reviderte og ökte utgave. Oslo 1955. 8vo. JACK, ROBERT. Arctic living. The story of Grimsey. Foreword by Vilhjálmur Stefansson. London 1957. 8vo. JENSSON, 0. Observations on the leucocyte blood picture in acute uraemia. Reprinted from the British Journal of Haematology, vol. IV, no. 4. Oxford 1958. 8vo. JOHANNESSON, ÞORKELL. Drag ur nárings- livets historia pá Island före reformationen. Folk-Liv 1955—1956. [ÚrtakL 4to. — Náringsfáng pá Island under medeltiden. Sár- tryck ur Nordisk kultur XI—XII A: Fángst. Jakt och fiske, 1955. Oslo 1955. 8vo. JOHNSTON, A. W. Old Norse place-names of Scotland. A review of Place-names of Scotland, by James B. Johnston, B. D. Reprinted from Miscellany, vol. X. London 1935. 8vo. JONES, GWYN. Scandinavian legends and folk- 9
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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