Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 132
islandského originálu Ileimsljós, Helgafell,
Reykjavík 1955. Bratislava 1958. 8vo.
— Swadhin manab. Oriya translation of Indepen-
dent People by Halldor Laxness. Cuttack,
Orissa 1957. 8vo.
— The Happy Warriors. Translated by Katherine
John. First published in Iceland with the title
Gerpla, by Helgafell, Reykjavik, in 1956 (sic).
London 1958. 8vo.
— To fos tou kosmou. [Heimsljós]. Muþistorima.
Metafrastis: Aris Dicktaios. Aþena 1956. 8vo.
— Varldens ljus. Översattning frán islándskan av
Rannveig och Peter Hallberg. Originalets titel:
I. Ljós heimsins (1937). II. Höll sumarlandsins
(1938). Sth. 1956. 8vo.
— Verdens lys. Oversatt av Wilhelm Kaurin. Om-
slagstegning: Ulf Aas. Oslo 1957. 8vo.
— Yuan-tsí-chan. Atómstödin. (Ring-dao) Hei-ho-
do-ho Kí-lí-yang La-ko-sí-nai-sin-chu. Peking
1957. 8vo.
LETHBRIDGE, T. C. Herdsmen & Hermits. Celtic
Seafarers in the Northern Seas. Foreword by
T. D. Kendrick. Cambridge 1950. 8vo.
LIE, HALLVARD. Ilvor bodde Harald HSrfagre
ifölge Ilaraidskvæði 5? Sártryck ur Arkiv för
nordisk filologi, 71: 1—2. Lund 1956. 8vo.
— „Natur“ og „unatur" i skaldekunsten. Avhand-
linger utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Aka-
demi i Oslo. II. Hist.-Filos. Klasse. 1957. No. 1.
Oslo 1957. 8vo.
LIESTÖL, KNUT. Saga og folkeminne. Oslo 1941.
LINDQUIST, IVAR. Die Urgestalt der Hávamál.
Ein Versuch zur Bestimmung auf synthe-
tischem Wege. Lundastudier i nordisk sprák-
vetenskap. Lund 1956. 8vo.
LUNDBORG, RAGNAR. Aage Gregersen: L’Is-
lande, son statut a travers les ages. (Be-
sprechung). — Zs. f. Völkerrecht, XXII, 4.
Berlin 1938. 8vo.
— Besprechung von Jón Dúason: Grönlands stats-
retslige Stilling i Middelalderen. Archiv f.
Rechts- u. Wirtschaftsphilosophie, April 1931.
— Die Grönlandsfrage. Meldet auch Island An-
spriiche an? Mitteil. d. Islandfreunde XIX, 2.
Jena 1931. 8vo.
— Die Stellung des islándischen Gesandten in
Kopenhagen innerhalb des diplomatischen
Korps. — Island, Vierteljahrschrift, XX, 4.
[1935]. 8vo.
— Grönlands Retsstilling i Middelalderen, fire
Artikler. By Jón Dúason. [Umsögn]. Am.
Journ. of Int. Law., Apr. 1935. 8vo.
— La situation du ministre d’Islande a Copen-
hague. Bulletin de l’Institut Juridique Inter-
national, XXXIII, 1. 1935. 8vo.
LYNAM, EDWARD. Early maps of Scandinavia
and Iceland. Synopsis of a lecture. Reprinted
from the Saga-Book of the Viking Society for
Northern Research. London 1934. 8vo.
LÆS MED PLAN nr. 86. Halldór Laxness. Ud-
arbejdet af bibliotekar Erland Munch-Petersen.
Kbh. 1956. 8vo.
LÖVE, ÁSKELL. A new botanical masterpiece
from Denmark. [Ritd.] Reprinted from Rho-
dora, vol. 59, no. 706. 1957. 8vo.
— A new flora of Greenland. [Ritd.] Reprinted
from Rhodora, vol. 59, no. 707. 1957. 8vo.
— Biosystematic remarks on vicariism. Acta Socie-
tatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 72, no. 15.
[Sérpr.] Helsingforsiae 1955. 8vo.
— Cytotaxonomical evaluation of corresponding
taxa. Vegetatio, vol. V—VI. Separatum. Den
Haag 1954. 4to.
— Cytotaxonomical remarks on the Icelandic
Papaver. Reprint from Nytt Magasin for Bota-
nikk, vol. 4. Oslo 1955. 8vo.
— Scandinavian ecology. [Ritd.] Reprinted from
Ecology, vol. 38, no. 3. 1957. 4to.
— Sex determination in Rumex. Reprinted from
Proceedings of the Genetics Society of Canada,
vol. 2. 1957. 8vo.
— The living landscape in Sweden. [Ritd.] Re-
printed from Ecology, vol. 38, no. 3. 1957. 4to.
LÖVE, ÁSKELL, and DORIS LÖVE. Arctic poly-
ploidy. Reprinted from Proceedings of the
Genetics Society of Canada, vol. 2. 1957. 8vo.
-----Chromosomes and taxonomy of Eastern
North American Polygonum. Reprinted from
Canadian Journal of Botany 34. 1956. 4to.
-----Cytotaxonomical conspectus of the Icelandic
flora. Acta Horti Gotoburgensis, vol. XX: 4.
[Sérpr.]. Göteborg 1956. 8vo.
— — Drug content and polyploidy in Acorus. Re-
printed from Proceedings of the Genetics So-
ciety of Canada, vol. 2. 1957. 8vo.
-----Fruiting Br>’Oxiphium madeirense. Re-