Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 133

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 133
RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM 133 printed from The Bryologist, vol. 58, no. 2. 1955. 8vo. -----Globularia cytolog>' — an explanation. Sar- tryck ur Botaniska Notiser. 1957. 8vo. ------ Rumex thyrsiflorus new to North America. Reprinted from Rhodora, vol. 59, no. 697. 1957. 8vo. -----The American element in the flora of the British Isles. Siirtryck ur Botaniska Notiser 1958. Lund 1958. 8vo. LÖVE, ÁSKELL, DORIS LÖVE and MARCEL RAYMOND. Cytotaxonomy of Carex section Capillares. Reprinted from Canadian Journal of Botany, 35. 1957. 8vo. LÖVE, ÁSKELL and NINA SARKAR. Cytotaxo- nomy and sex determination of Rumex pauci- folius. Reprinted from Canadian Journal of Botany 34. 1956. 4to. LÖVE, ÁSKELL, and PRIYABRATA SARKAR. Chromosomes and relationships of Koenigia is- landica. Reprinted from Canadian Journal of Botany, 35. 1957. 8vo. — — Heat tolerances of Koenigia islandica. Sar- tryck ur Botaniska Notiser. 1957. 8vo. LÖVE, DORIS, and FRÉRE JEAN-PAUL BERN- ARD, o. s. v. Rumex stenophyllus in North America. Reprinted from Rhodora, vol. 60, no. 710. 1958. 8vo. LÖVE, DORIS, and N. J. FREEDMAN. A plant collection from SW Yukon. Sartryck ur Botan- iska Notiser, vol. 109, fasc. 2. Lund 1956. 8vo. LÖVE, DORIS, JAMES KUCYNIAK and GOR- DON JOHNSTON. A plant collection from interior Quebec. Extrait du Naturaliste Cana- dien, 85. Quebec 1958. 4to. MAGERÖY, HALLVARD. Studiar i Bandamanna saga. Kring gjerd-problemet. Biblioteca Arna- magnæana, vol. XVIII. Hafniæ 1957. 4to. [MAGNÚSSON, KNÚTURL Redavanns valsen. Den Islandske Hredavatns valsinn av: Reynir Geirs. Norsk tekst: Peter Coob. Oslo 1953. 4to. MALONE, KEMP. Áki Qrlungatrausti. Reprinted from the Saga-Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research. London 1934. 8vo. — The alliterative pattem Abbc in the þulur. Re- printed from Saga-Book, Vol. XI. London 1936. 8vo. MANUSCRIPTA ISLANDICA. Edited by Jón Helgason. Vol. 3. The Saga Manuscript 9. 10. Aug. 4to, in the Herzog August Library, Wolfenbiittel. Kbh. 1956. 4to. -----Vol. 4. The Arna-Magnæan Manuscript 674 A, 4to. Elucidarius. Kbh. 1957. 4to. MAR, ELIAS. Chibaha, chibaba. Bruchstiick eines Abenteuers. Elias Mar: Vögguvísa. Aus dem Isliindischen iibersetzt von Atli Ólafsson und Wilhelm Freise. Berlin 1958. 8vo. MARINI, MAURIZIO. L’uomo e le isole L’Islanda, isola europea. Estratto da L’Universa, n. 6. Fir- enze 1956. 8vo. MENNTAMÁLARÁÐHERRAR NORÐUR- LANDA. 6. fundur ... Det 6. nordiske under- visningsministermöde. 6. pohjoismainen opetus- ministerikokous. Det 6. nordiske undervisnings- ministermötet. Det 6. nordiska undervisnings- ministermötet. Reykjavík 1.—2. september 1955. Ágúst Sigurðsson og Birgir Thorlacius sáu um útgáfuna. Rvík 1956. 8vo. MOLTKE, ERIK. Jon Skonvig og de andre rune- tegnere. Et bidrag til runologiens historie i Danmark og Norge. II. Skildring og kommen- tar. Biblioteca Arnamagnæana. Supplem. vol. II. Hafniæ 1958. 4to. MORTENSEN, NIELS TH. (red.) Dette er Island, Færöerne og Grönland. Tegninger: R. Due- holm Jessen, Gunnar Gunnarsson junr. og Gitz-Johansen. Fotografier: H. E. Sand (Fær- öeme), Thorstein Jósepsson (Island), Jette Bang og H. Fabricius Jensen (Grönland). Kort ved Johannes Bæch. Odense 1954. 4to. NATIONAL SONGS OF ICELAND (íslenzkir þjóðsöngvar). The Millennial Hymn of 1874 and the National Anthem. Sl., ál. 4to. NEUMANN, EDUARD. Das Schicksal in der Edda. I. Band. Der Schicksalsbegriff in der Edda. Beitrage zur deutschen Philologie, Band 7. Giessen 1955. 8vo. [NJÁLS SAGAL The story of Burnt Njal. Trans- lated by Sir George Webbe Dasent. Intro- duction by E. 0. G. Turville-Petre. (Every- man’s Library. No. 558). London 1957. 8vo. NORDAL, SIGURÐUR. Hrafnkels saga freysgoða. A study. Translated by R. George Thomas. A translation of Hrafnkatla, íslenzk Fræði 7, Reykjavík 1949. Cardiff 1958. 8vo. — The historical element in the Icelandic family sagas. The fifteenth W. P. Ker Memorial Lec- ture delivered in the University of Glasgow •i
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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