Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 135

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 135
RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM 135 PLOVGAARD, KAREN. Brödrene. Fortælling fra vikingetidens Island og Grönland. Don Bosco Bögerne nr. 5. Kbh. 1957. 8vo. POULSEN, EINER. Island. En danskers indtryk af sagaöen. Hilleröd [1957]. 8vo. [RAUÐS ÞÁTTUR]. The story of Rauð and his sons. Translated from the Icelandic by J. E. Turville-Petre. Payne Memorial Series II. London 1947. 8vo. REGULATIONS about the optional inspection of various kinds of salted sugared and spiced herring. [Rvík 1956]. 8vo. REINTON, LARS. Den norröne litteraturen. Oslo 1946. 8vo. REMAN, EDWARD. Tlie Norse discoveries and explorations in America. Berkeley and Los Angeles 1949. 8vo. REYKJAVÍK HARBOUR. Regulations for ... [Rvík 1957]. 8vo. ROTHERY, AGNES. Iceland. Bastion of the Nortli. With 66 illustrations and map. New and revised edition. London 1955. 8vo. RUPRECHT, ARNDT. Die ausgehende Wikinger- zeit im Lichte der Runeninschriften. Palaestra, Band 224. Göttingen 1958. 8vo. RÖRDAM, KJELD. Sejlads under isforhold og is- klausuler. Af Höjesteretssagförer * * * Sér- prentun úr Tímariti lögfræðinga. Rvík [1958]. 8vo. SAMBAND ÍSL. SAMVINNUFÉLAGA. Federa- tion of Icelandic Co-operative Societies. Annual Report 1955. 54th Year. [Rvík 1956]. 8vo. -----Annual Report 1956. 55th Year. [Rvík 1957]. 8vo. SAMFÆRDSEL OG TRAFIK I ISLAND. Redi- geret af Sigurður Jóhannsson. I samarbejde med Emil Jónsson, fyr- og havnedirektör, Geir G. Zoega, fhv. vejdirektör, Gunnlaugur Páls- son, arkitekt, Hjálmar R. Bárðarson, direktör, Sigurður Magnússon, fuldmægtig, Zophonias Pálsson, byplandirektör. Rvík 1956. 8vo. SAMVINNUTRYGGINGAR. Líftryggingafélagið Andvaka. Statements of accounts 1955. Rvík 1956. 8vo. —- — Statements of accounts 1956. Rvík 1957. 8vo. SCANDINAVIAN STUDIES. Presented to George T. Flom by colleages and friends. Edited by Henning Larsen and C. A. Williams. Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, vol. XXIX, no. 1. Urbana, 111. 1942. 8vo. SCARGILL, H. M. Folk tales from Iceland and other countries. Rvík 1943. 8vo. SCHACH, PAUL. Agnar Þórðarson, playwright and novelist. Reprinted from Scandinavian Studies. 1958. 8vo. SCHNEIDER, KARL. Die germanischen Runen- namen. Meisenheim am Glan. 1956. 8vo. SCOTT, PETER, und JAMES FISHER. Ge- heimnis der Brutstatten. Eine Island-Expedi- tion. Titel der englischen Originalausgabe: A thousand geese. Collins, London 1953. Ham- burg 1957. 8vo. SCRIPTA ISLANDICA. Islándska sállskapets Srs- bok 7, 1956 ; 8, 1957 ; 9, 1958. Uppsala och Sth. 1956—1958. 8vo. SEIP, DIDRIK ARUP. Har nordmenn skrevet opp Edda- diktningen? Særtrykk av Maal og minne, hefte 1—2 1951. Oslo 1951. 8vo. -— Norsk sprákhistorie til omkring 1370. 2. utgave. Oslo 1955. 8vo. SELLMAN, R. R. The Vikings. Illustrated by the Author and Norwegian artists. (Methuen’s Out- lines, edited by P. Thornell). London 1957. 8vo. SIGBJORNSSON, RANNVEIG K. G. In days gone by. Ilfracombe, Devon. ál. 8vo. SIGTRYGGSSON, S. und A. ROSSEN. Deutsche Kultur- und Charakterbilder. 9. Ausgabe. Kbh. 1957. 8vo. SIGURÐSSON, BJÖRN. Adenomatosis of sheep’s lungs. Archiv fúr die gesamte Virusforschung. Sonderabdruck aus Band VIII, Heft 1. Wien 1958. 8vo. — Immunological problems in paratuberculosis. Reprinted from Bacteriological Reviews, vol. 20, no. 1. 1956. 4to. SIGURDSSON, BJÖRN, Dr. med., MARGRÉT GUÐNADÓTTIR, Cand. med., GUÐMUNDUR PÉTURSSON, Stud. med. Response to polio- myelitis vaccination. Reprinted from The Lan- cet. London 1958. 8vo. SIGURÐSSON, BJÖRN, and PÁLL A. PÁLSSON. Fluorosis of farm animals during the Hekla eruption of 1947—1948. Vísindafélag íslend- inga: The eruption of Hekla 1947—1948, III. [Sérpr.] Rvík 1957. 8vo. — -— Visna of sheep. A slow, demyelinating in- fection. Reprinted from the „British Joumal of
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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