

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1961, Qupperneq 42

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1961, Qupperneq 42
36 NÁTTÚRUFUÆÐINGURINN meisurnar tvær hafa að öllum líkindum hrakizt hingað með veðr- um þessum. Sé svo, er sennilegt, að þær hafi hrakið til landsins er þær voru á leið frá Noregi til Bretlandseyja. Hér hefur því senni- lega verið um deilitegundina Parus major major að ræða, en heim- kynni hennar ná yfir Skandínavíu og mestan hluta meginlands Evrópu. Á Bretlandseyjum er hins vegar önnur deilitegund (Parus major newtoni). SUMMARY First Icelandic record of the Great Tit (Parus major) by Árni Waag On December 4, 1959, the author observed two Great Tits in a garden close to the centre of Reykjavík. This is the first time the Great Tit or any other representative of the family Paridae has been observed in Iceland. On December 13 Mr. Jón B. Sigurdsson, Reykjavík, saw these two birds in the same locality. Two days later the author and Dr. Finnur Gudmundsson found the birds still in the same part of the town. I'rom now on the birds were seen repeatedly by various observers until March 5, 1960. On that date they were seen for the last time and still in almost the same place as before. This time they were foraging in Red Currant bushes and seemed to be in good condition. Although these two birds were first seen on December 4 the author is inclined to Itelieve that tliey must have conie about the middle of October when an unusually l>ig wave of drift migrants reached Iceland.



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