Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1981, Page 59
Interglacial Cladocera (Crustacea)
from Iceland
by Ámi Einarsson
Institute of Biology, University of Iceland,
Grensásvegur 12, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland
An investigation of peat in the Elliðavogur
interglacial strata revealed a number of
Cladocera fragments. The species composi-
tion (Table I) indicates low arctic or sub-
arctic conditions. This conforms well with
pollen analyses and an analysis of Coleop-
tera remains ntade by previous investigators
from the same deposits (Thorkelsson 1935,
Pflug 1959). The age of the strata is still
uncertain, but they are of late Pleistocene
age (less than 700.000 years old) and older
than the Holsteinian interglacial (Einarsson
1968; Hjartarson 1980).
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Visindafélag íslendinga, Greinar I: