

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1987, Blaðsíða 48

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1987, Blaðsíða 48
Dennis, J.V. 1986. European encounters of birds ringed in North America. — Dutch Birding 8: 41—44. Erling Ólafsson 1986. Kolþernur verpa öðru sinni við Stokkseyri. - Bliki 5: 3-5. Erling Ólafsson, Ferdinand Jónsson & Kristinn H. Skarphéðinsson 1983. Kolþerna verpur á íslandi. - Bliki 2: 48-55. Faber, F. 1822. Prodromus der islándischen Ornithologie. - Kopenhagen. Gunnlaugur Pétursson & Erling Ólafsson 1986. Sjaldgæfir fuglar á íslandi 1984. - Bliki 5: 19-46. Gunnlaugur Pétursson & Kristinn H. Skarphéð- insson 1982. Sjaldgæfir fuglar á íslandi 1980. - Náttúrufræðistofnun íslands, fjölrit. Reykjavík. Hammer, U. 1983. Vogelbeobachtungen in Is- land. - Orn. Mitt. 35: 243-247. SUMMARY Rare and vagrant birds in Iceland: Terns and Auks * by Gunnlaugur Pétursson Gautlandi 21 108 Reykjavík A total of 6 species of terns and one auklet species have been recorded as vagr- ants in Iceland. All known records of the- se species up to December 1984, are listed in this paper, except records of Black Tern (see discussion below). The Black Terns can considered as rare summer visi- tors rather than vagrants. The details included for each record are: site (locality and county), date, sex and age (if known), catalogue number (RMxxxx) which is in use at the Icelandic Museum of Natural History (if a specimen is preserved there), observer(s), and first literature citation. “ZM” means that the specimen is preserved in the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen. The common * Rare and vagrant birds in Iceland. Report 5: Icelandic Museum of Natural History. Hörring, R. 1933. Aethia cristatella (Pallas) skudt ved Island. — Dansk Ornith. Foren. Tidsskr. 27: 103-105. Jóhann ÓIi Hilmarsson 1985 Þaraþerna við Reykjavíkurtjörn. - Bliki 4: 7-9. Peterson, R.T., G. Mountfort & P.A.D. Holl- om 1962. Fuglar íslands og Evrópu, 3. útg. 1972. Þýðing Finns Guðmundssonar. - Al- menna bókafélagið, Reykjavík. Rogers, M.J. & the Rarities Committee 1986. Report of rare birds in Great Britain in 1985. - Brit. Birds 79: 526-588. Sharrock, J.T.R. 1974. Scarce migrant birds in Britain and Ireland. - T. & A.D. Poyser, Berkhamsted. Voous, K.H. 1977. List of Recent Holarctic Bird Species. British Ornithologists’ Union. Ævar Petersen 1982. Sjófuglar. - Fuglar. Rit Landverndar 8: 15-60. notations for sex (ð, $) and age (ad, imm) are used. “FD” means that the bird was found dead. 1. Sandwich Tern (Sterna sandvicensis). Two records, in April 1980 and June 1984. 2. Common Tern (Sterna hirundo). One record of a newly dead juvenile from late November 1964. 3. Forster’s Tern (Sterna forsteri). One record from October 1959, the first record of this species in Europe. 4. Sooty Tern (Sterna fuscata). One bird found recently dead in June 1969. 5. Black Tern (Chlidonias niger). All records of Black Terns have recently been published (see Erling Ólafsson et al. 1983, Erling Ólafsson 1986), and are not listed in this paper. There are 31 records involving at least 32 indi- viduals. Of four collected birds identi- fied to subspecies, one belongs to C. n. niger and three to C. n. surinamensis, which appear to be the first records of this nearctic race in Europe. Black Terns have twice been found breeding in Iceland, and raised young once (in 1984). Records are distributed from May to October, but most of them come from June and July. 6. White-winged Black Tern (Chlidonias 142
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3. Tölublað (1987)
