Fréttablaðið - 22.01.2011, Blaðsíða 47

Fréttablaðið - 22.01.2011, Blaðsíða 47
LAUGARDAGUR 22. janúar 2011 9 ERTU MEÐ MEIRAPRÓF? Park ehf. óskar eftir að ráða starfsfólk til starfa á götusópum fyrirtækisins. Umsækjendur þurfa að hafa meirapróf og reynslu af því að stjórna sambæri- legum tækjum. Mikilvægt er að þeir hafi góða samskiptahæfni, séu sveigjan - legir og sýni frumkvæði og metnað í starfi. Einungis heiðarlegir og áreiðanlegir einstaklingar sem starfað geta undir álagi koma til greina. Sendu umsókn þína á tölvupóstfangið fyrir 25. janúar. Conditions The position is placed at grade A4 of the salary scale, starting at € 81.591,72 per year. Appointments are normally made at Step 1 of a grade. A higher step can be considered on the basis of the candidate's qualifications and experi- ence. Depending on, inter alia, the candidate’s family status, allowances and benefits may apply. Favorable tax conditions apply. Overview of conditions at: about-the-authority/vacancies/ recruitment-policy. While its staff members shall normally be nationals of one of the three EFTA Sta tes party to the EEA Agreement, the Aut ho rity will also consider other applications, pri- marily those of nationals of the other Sta - tes that are party to the EEA Agree ment. Start date: Summer 2011 Type and duration of appointment: fixed-term contract of three years. Job title : Officer. If considered desirable, an additional fixed-term contract of three years may be offered. Interviews: March 2011 Application must be filled in and sent online at the following address: Questions regarding the recruitment process may be posed to Mr Erik J. Eidem, Director of Admini stra tion, on +32 (0)2 286 18 90 or Mrs Sophie Jeannon, HR Assistant, on +32 (0)2 286 18 93. EFTA Surveillance Authority webpage: The EFTA Surveillance Authority monitors compliance with European Economic Area rules in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, enabling them to participate in the European internal market. In monitoring and enforcing the EEA Agreement, the Authority has powers that correspond to those of the European Commission. The Authority is based in Brussels and operates independently of the EFTA States. The Authority is led by a College which consists of three members appointed by the EEA EFTA States. Role description: The successful applicant will be assigned responsibility for general surveillance work (case handling) relating to the EEA EFTA States in the field of the environmental law, in particular climate change policies, and related issues; e.g. dangerous substances and chemicals. This position is placed in the Internal Market Affairs Directorate. Essential: l University degree in law or other relevant field l Specialised knowledge in EU/EEA environmental law, and in particular relating to climate change, dangerous substances and chemicals l Extensive relevant working experience in private and/or public sector l Excellent command of written and spoken English l Computer literacy l Ability to work both independently and in a team in an international environment Desirable: l Knowledge of and familiarity with the functioning of the European Economic Area, and the EFTA States l Professional experience involving the institutions of the EU and the EEA l Good understanding of Norwegian, Icelandic, or German (EFTA languages) Deadline for application: 21 February 2011. Questions regarding the post may be posed to Tuula Nieminen, Acting Director, on +32(0)2 286 18 68. Officer in Environmental Law JOB REFERENCE : 03/11 Role description: The successful candidate will work with legal aspects relat- ed to veterinary legislation, implementation and ap pli cation of legislation in related fields of work (e.g. seeds, fertilizers, product safety). This position is placed in the Internal Market Affairs Directorate. Essential: l University degree in law l At least three years of relevant professional experience l Very good knowledge in the European legal framework for food hygiene and food safety l Excellent command of written and spoken English, the working language of the Authority l Computer literacy l Ability to work both independently and in a team in an international environment Desirable: l Professional experience relating to the application of the European legal framework for food hygiene and food safety l Post graduate degree in European law l Professional experience involving the institutions of the EU or the EEA l Understanding of Norwegian, Icelandic, or German (EFTA languages) Deadline for application: 28 February 2011. Questions regarding the post may be posed to Mr Ólafur Valsson, Deputy Director, on +32 (0)2 286 18 68. Officer in Veterinary & Food Law JOB REFERENCE : 06/11 Role description: The successful candidate will be assigned responsibility for general surveillance work and case handling relating to transport and aviation and maritime security inspec- tions. Tasks may include examination of complaints, legal conformity assessments and drafting of decisions, opin- ions and reports. In order to monitor the EEA EFTA States’ application of the rules and procedures in the area of transport security, in particular Regulations (EC) No 2320/2002 and 300/2008 establishing common rules in the field of civil aviation security and Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 on enhancing ship and port facility security and Directive 2005/65/EC on enhancing port security, the successful applicant will carry out inspections of national authorities, airports, air opera- tors, ports, recognized organisations and shipping compa- nies in the EEA EFTA States. In addition to field work (exam- ination of records, accounting, technical data and physical checks), the inspection tasks will consist of preparatory and concluding work in connection with the inspections. This position is placed in the Internal Market Affairs Directorate. Essential: l University degree in law or other relevant field, preferably with a postgraduate degree l Specialized knowledge of the EEA/EU law in the relevant field l At least three years of relevant professional experience l The applicant must be of good repute and will be subject to security clearance l Excellent oral and written command of English, and good working knowledge of either Norwegian or Icelandic l Computer literacy l Ability to work both independently and in a team in an international environment Desirable: l Experience in inspection methodology and object security l Knowledge of international aviation and or maritime secu- rity rules (EU, ICAO/ECAC and or IMO) and (preferably) national regulations on aviation and maritime security Deadline for application: 21 February 2011. Questions regarding the post may be posed to Astridur Scheving Thorsteinsson, Deputy Director, on +32(0)2 286 18 79. Transport Officer/Inspector JOB REFERENCE : 02/11 World Class óskar eftir að ráða til sín markaðsfulltrúa með reynslu í markaðsmálum Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur: Um er að ræða fullt starf í skemmtilegu starfsumhverfi. Umsækjandi þarf að geta hafið störf sem fyrst. Gildi World Class Starfssvið: MARKAÐSFULLTRÚI
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