

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1973, Síða 20

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1973, Síða 20
142 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ HEIMILDARIT 1. Bogan, J. & Smith, H. Analytical inves- tigation of barbiturate poisoning — Des- cription of methods and survey of results. J. Forensic. Sci. Soc. 7:37-45. 1967. 2. Bonnichsen, R., Maehly, A. C. & Frank, A. Barbiturate analysis: Method and statistic- al survey. J. For. Sci. 6:411-443. 1961. 3. Brink, N. G., Bonnichsen, R. & Theorell, H. A modified method for the enzymatic microdetermination of ethanol. Acta pharmaool. et toxicol. 10:223-236. 1954. 4. Broughton, P. M. G. A rapid ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for the detec- tion, estimation and identification of bar- biturates in biological materied. Biocliem. J. 63:207-213. 1956. 5. Broughton, P. M. G., Higgins, G. & O’Brien, J. R. P. Acute barbiturate poison- ing. Lancet 1:180-184. 1956. 6. Clarke, E. G. C. (ed.): Isolation and Iden- tification of Drugs, 46 og 294. [The Phar- maceutical Press] London 1969. 7. Clemmesen, C. & Nilsson, E. Therapeutic trends in the treatment of barbiturate poisoning. The Scandinavian method. Clin. Pliarmacol. 2:220-229. 1961. 8. Devenyi, P. & Wilson, M. Abuse of bar- biturates in an alcoholic population. C.M. A.J. 104:219-221. 1971. 9. Dipalma, J. R. (ed.): Drill’s Pliarmacology in Medicine (3rd ed.) 200 [McGraw-Hill Book Company] New York. 10. Evans, J. I., Lewis, S. A., Gibbs, I. A. M. & Cheetham, M. Sleep and barbiturates: some experiments and observations. Brit. Med. J. 4:291-293. 1968. 11. Fischer, E. & Mering, J. v. Ueber eine neue Klasse von Schlafmitteln. Die Therapie der Gegenwart 5:97-101. 1903. 12. Fisher, R. S. Notes from the medical examiner. New Engl. J. Med. 240:395-396. 1949. 13. Forrest, F. M. & Forrest, I. S. Urine color test for the detection of phenothiazine compounds. Clin. Chem. 6:11-15. 1960. 14. Fraser, H. F. Tolerance to and physical dependence on opiates, barbiturates, and alcohol. Ann. Rev. Med. 8:427-440. 1957: 15. Gerhartz. Ueber einen Fall von Veronal- vergiftung. Berl. Klin. Wchnsclir. 40:928. 1903. 16. Gillett, R. & Warburton, F. G. Barbiturate blood levels found at necropsy in proven cases of acute barbiturate poisoning. J. Clin. Path. 23:435-439. 1970. 17. Goldbaum, L. R. An ultraviolet spectro- photometric procedure for the determina- tion of barbiturates. J. Pharmacol. 94:68- 75. 1948. 18. Goldbaum, L. R., 1952, sjá Broughton, 1956. 19. Goodman, L. S. & Gilman, A. (ed.): The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (4th ed.), 115-116 [The MacMillan Com- pany]. London 1971. 20. Graham. J. D. P. Ethanol and the ab- sorption of barbiturate. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 2:14-22. 1960. 21. Hollister, L. E„ Kanter, S. L. & Clyde, D. J. Studies of prolonged-action medi- cation. III. Pentobarbital sodium in pro- longed-action form compared with con- ventional capsules: Serum levels of drug and clinical effects following acute doses. Clin. Pharmacol. 4:612-618. 1963. 22. Jenis, E. H„ Payne, R. J. & Goldbaum, L. R. Acute meprobamate poisoning. A fatal case following a lucid interval. J.A.M.A. 207:361-362: 1969. 23. Kamm, G. & Baier, R. Nachweis von Chlordiazepoxid und Diazepam in kleinen Blutmengen. Arzneimittelforschung 19: 213-215. 1969. 24. Lous, P. Quantitative determination of barbiturates. A modified method for clini- cal use. Acta pharmacol. et. toxicol. 6:227- 234. 1950. 25. Lous, P. A spectrophotometric method for determining barbituric acids in body fluids. Acta pliarmacol. et toxicol. 10:134-146. 1954. 26. Lous, P. Plasma levels and urinary ex- cretion of three barbituric acids after oral administration to man. Acta pliarmacol. et toxicol. 10:147-165. 1954. 27. Lous, P. Blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid levels and renal clearance of phene- mal in treated epileptics. Acta pliarmacol. et toxicol. 10:166-177. 1954. 28. Lous. P. Barbituric acid concentration in serum from patients with severe acute poisoning. Acta pharmacol. et toxicol. 10: 261-280. 1954. 29. Melville, K. I„ Joron, G. E. & Douglas, D. Toxic and depressant effects of alcohol given orally in combination with glutethi- mide or secobarbital. Toxicol. Appl. Phar- macol. 9:363-375. 1966. 30. Plaa, G. L. & Hine, C. H. Hydantoin and barbiturate blood levels observed in epilep- tics. Arch. int. Pharmacodyn. 128:375- 383. 1960. 31. Pohlisch, K. & Panse, F. Schlafmittelmis- brauch [Georg Thieme Verlag]. Leipzig 1934. 32. Ramsey, H. & Haag, H. B. The synergism between the barbiturates and ethyl alco- hol. J. Pliarmacol. 88:313-322. 1946. 33. S. B. Cavete collegae. Veronaleitrun. Læknablaöiö 3:95-96. 1917. 34. Sedatives. Some Questions and Answers. US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service. Publication No. HSM-71-9027. 35. Sjögren, J„ Sölvell, L. & Karlsson, I. Studies on the absorption rate of bar- biturates in man. Acta med. Scand. 178: 553-559. 1965.
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