

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1973, Page 91

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1973, Page 91
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION RESEARCH TRAINÍNG FELLOWSHIPS 1974-1975 INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER LYON, FRANCE Applications for training fello'wships in 1974-1975 are invited from junior scientists wishing to be trained in any aspect of laboratory and clinical cancer research. The Agency is, however, especially interested in receiving applications íor training in epidemiology, biostatisics and environmental carcinogenesis — both chemical and viral. Priority will therefore be given to candidates working in these' fields. Applicants should be engaged in research in medical or allied scien- ces and intend to pursue a career in cancer research. Fellowships are awarded for one year and are tenable in a suitable institution abroad. FelloWs will, in general, be selected from applicants with some post-doctoral research experience related to cancer in medicine or the natural sciences. They must have an adequate knowledge, botli written and spoken, of the language of the country in which their fellow- ship is tenable. Applications cannot normally be accepted from people already hold- ing fellowships enabling them to study abroad. Stipends will vary according to the cost of living in the country! of study. The cost oí travel for the applicant and, in certain circumstances, that of his wife and children, will be met. Fellowship application forms and more detaiied information are available from: The Chief of the Research Training and Liaison Unit International Agency for Research on Cancer 150, cours Albert-Thomas 69008 LYON France Applications must reach the Agency not later than 28 February 1974.



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