

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1975, Side 50

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1975, Side 50
28 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ considered as absolutely necessary. We consider a training time of at least 24 months for one of the branches and 36 months for general radiology as a minimal time. The hours given in theoretical trai- ning should not only consist of lectures but should also include exercises and demon- strations. An average of 1000 hours should guaran- tee a good training. We are in favor of unification of the theoretical training. Spe- cial instructors which.exist in 35 countries are considered as absolutely necessary. Also an examination is mandatory. The Departments of Health should support the training of MRT not only morally but also financially. The teaching staff should include radio- logists, physicists and tutor MRT. The minimal age is, in the great majo- rity, 18 years. The level of scholastic achievement is another and maybe even more important consideration. Countries with a shortage should discuss the accepta- bility of an earlier begin of the training. Other possibilities to overcome the shor- tage of MRT are discussed. This report deals with the training of physicians and medical radiological techni- cians only. This does not imply that other professional staff working in a radiological team is not considered important. With the continouos development of methodology, sophisticated techniques and broadened indication the modern applications of radiodiagnosis, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine necessitate team work apart from the physician and MRT needs participation of the medical physicist and for some tasks the bioengineer and radiopharmacist or radiochemist. A description of the role and training of the medical physicist is availa- ble within the World Health Organiza- tion’s documentation. Frá Landlækni Geislavarnir ríkisins og stjórn félags röntgenlækna hafa beðið landlækni að birta eftirfarandi orðsendingu: Örlítil, en þó marktæk hætta er á fóst- urskemmdum af völdum röntgengeislunar á fyrstu þrem mánuðum meðgöngutíma. Læknum, sem senda sjúklinga til röntgen- skoðana, er bent á að hafa þetta í huga, ef minnsti grunur getur leikið á þungun. — Æskilegast væri að hafa gát á að senda ekki konur til röntgénskoðana á öðrum tímum en fyrstu viku eftir tíðir, þegar því verður viðkomið. Telji læknir mikið við liggja að fá rannsókn gerða hjá konu, sem er vanfær ber að hafa samband við sérfræðing í röntgengreiningu hverju sinni um tilhögun rannsóknarinnar.



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