

Læknablaðið - 01.07.1978, Síða 58

Læknablaðið - 01.07.1978, Síða 58
136 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ TABLE V Mortality from ischaemic heart disease MALES FEMALES Denmark 1969 201.8 1960 118. 1966 257.9 1966 139. 1975 238.1 1975 110. Finland 1960 298.4 1960 137. 1966 349.7 1965 156. 1974 309.9 1974 109. ICELAND 1961 178.4 1961 74. 1971 224.4 1970 108. 1975 187,7 1975 83, Norway 1960 177.1 1960 90. 1971 216,2 1963 110. 1974 203,8 1974 82. SWEDEN 1960 202.8 1960 123. 1973 244.2 1962 126. 1975 235.3 1975 115. U.K., England 1960 247.0 1960 126. AND WALES 1963 266.6 1963 130. 1975 249.7 1975 104, U.S.A. 1960 323.2 1960 162. 1968 334.4 1968 168. 1975 295.0 1975 145. Aðrir staðlar hafa verið notaðir- 3 8 9 við samanburð á þjóðum með sérkennilega aldursdreifingu, t.d. þjóðum í Afríku. TILVITNANIR 1. Clemmesen, J.: Statistical Studies in the aetiology of malignant neoplasms. Acta path. microbiol. scand. Suppl 174 (1965). 2. Doll, R., P. Payne, J. Waterhouse: Cancer incidence in five continents: A technical report: International Union Against Cancer, Vol. 1, J. Springer, Berlin-New York, 1966. 3. Doll, R., C.S. Muir, J. Waterhouse: Cancer incidence in five continents: A technical report: International Union Against Cancer, Vol. 2, J. Springer, Berlin-New York, 1970. 4. Hagtíðindi, 61. árg. nr. 10, okt. 1976. 5. Hagtíðindi, 62. árg. nr. 8, ágúst 1977. 6. Lilienfeld, A. M., Pedersen, E. & Dowd, J. E.: Cancer Epidemiology: Methods of Study. The John Hopkins Press, Baltimore (1967). 7. Segi, M.: Cancer mortality for selected sites in 24 countries (1950—1957). Tohoku Univ. School of Medicine, Sendai (1960). 8. Tulinius, H.: Geographical Distribution of Malignant Neoplasms and Some Other Epidemiologieal Features, in Handbuch der allg. Pathol Bd. VI/5-6, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg (1971). 9. Waterhouse, J., Muir, C.S., Correa, P., and Powell, J. (ed.), Cancer incidence in five continents, Vol. 3, I.A.R.C. Scientific Publi- cations No. 15, IARC, Lyon (1976). 10. Þjóðleifsson, Bjarni: Lbl. 2. tbl. 64. árg. apríl 1978. 6 6 7 8 9 6 7 A 0 8 7 9 1 4 1 2 6 8 ,5 ,6 ,4
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