Læknablaðið - 01.07.1978, Page 70
í mörgum tilvikum er einnig um sýk-
ingu að ræða af völdum sýkla á viðkom-
andi húðsvæðum. Ber þá að nota samsett
lyfjaform, sem einnig innihalda sýklalyf,
sem að haldi mega koma.
This article discusses the use and pharmaco-
logy of topical steroids. The available infor-
mation on the use of these drugs in Iceland is
reviewed. Five cases of adverse effects of
topical steroids are presented and discussed. A
new classification proposed to be adopted in
Scandinavia is presented and the cortico-
steroid preparations available on the Icelandic
market May 1978 are classified.
1. Calnan, C.: Use and Abuse of Topical
Steroids Dermatologica 152 (suppl 1):247,
2. „Egilsstaðarannsóknin“. Óbirtar upplýsing-
3. Feldmann, R.J., Maibach H.: Regional
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6. Hansson, H.: Lokala biverkningar vid
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Tryckeri AB Göteborg 1977.
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20. júlí:50, 1967.
8. Lidén, Sture et al.: Hur starka ár kortison-
salvorna? Lákartidningen 75:1924, 1978.
9. Magnússon, Guðjón, Sveinsson, Ólafur.:
Könnun á heilbrigðisþjónustu i Skagafirði
1974. Læknablaðið 62. okt:167, 1976.
10. Maibach, H.: In vivo Percutaneous Pene-
tration of Corticoids in Man and Unsolved
Problems in Their Efficacy. Dermatologica
152(suppl 1) :11, 1976.
11. Maibach, H., Stoughton, R.: Steroid
Therapy Kafli 13, Topical Corticosteroids
ed. Azarnoff, útg. af Saunders Comp. Ltd.
12. McKenzie, A.W.: Percutaneous Absorbtion
of Steroids. Arch Derm 86:611, 1962.
13. McKenzie, A.W., Stoughton, R.B.: Method
for Comparing Percutaneous Absorbtion of
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14. Munro, D.: Topical Corticosteroid Therapy
and Its Effect on the Hypothaiamic-Pitui-
tary-Adrenal Axix. Dermatologica 152(suppl
1) :173, 1976.
15. Ólafsson, Ólafur.: Lyfjakostnaður og arð-
semi. Sveitarstjórnarmál 4:221, 1977.
16. Polano, M., Kanaar, P.: A clinical trial with
hydrocortisone butyrate cream in eczema.
Br. J. Derm. 88:83, 1973.
17. Ritstjórnargrein:: The Hazardous Jungle
of Topical Steroids. The Lancet sept. 3,
18. Schöpf, E. Side effects from topical cortico-
steroid therapy Review article Annals of
Clinical Research 7:353, 1975.
19. Skog, Erik.: Synpunkter pá lokalbehandling
med kortikosteroider. Cortison och hud-
sjukdomer, ett Glaxosymposium bls. 77. ed.
Hannsson, H. 2. útg. Falkenbergs Tryckeri
AB Göteborg 1977.
20. Skrifstofa Landlæknis: Könnun á læknis-
þjónustu á landsbyggðinni 16.—22. sept.
1974. Fylgirit við Heilbrigðisskýrslur. Utg.
Reykjavík, 1978.
21. Socialstyrelsens lákemedelsavdeling, Sve-
rige. Locoid. Information nov., 1977.
22. Stern, R.S., Johnsson, M.L., DeLozier D.:
Utilization of Physician Services for Der-
matologic Complaints. Arch Dermatol 113:
1062, 1977.
23. Urabe H., Koda H.: Perioral Dermatitis and
Rosacea-Like Dermatitis; Clinical Features
and Treatment. Dermatologica 152(suppl 1)
:155, 1976.
24. Valdimarsson, Helgi Þ., Stefánsson, Jón G.,
Agnarsdóttir, Guðrún: Læknisstörf í Hér-
aði. Læknablaðið 55:15, 1969.
25. Wahlberg, Jan, E.: Penetration av láke-
medel. Lákartidningen 68(suppl IV):75,
26. Weber, G.: Perioral Dermatitis, an Impor-
tant Side-Effects of Corticosteroids. Derma-
tologica 152(suppl 1):161, 1976.