

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1988, Síða 19

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1988, Síða 19
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 313 19% had respiratory or eye symptoms related to work with forage. These symptoms were cough, dyspnea, fever, sneezing spells, nasal or eye discharge or itching. In V. Skaftafellssýsla 24% of 152 individuals had such symptoms. Regular hay, especially moldy hay, correlated best with these symptoms. Sixty individuals correlated their symptoms with some kind of forage, whereas only 5 correlated symptoms with work with silage, even of poor quality. There was no significant difference between the incidence of these symptoms in the two communities. The use of protecting masks was of help to decrease these symptoms. Equipment to help dry hay in the barn and bailing machines were of questionable benefit, and blowers used to blow hay into barns might be harmful. Silage making seems to be the method of choice for individuals with respiratory or eye symptoms after hay dust exposure. HEIMILDIR 1. Elíasson Ö. Heymaeði á fslandi. Læknablaðið 1982; 68: 163-9. 2. Pálsson S. fslensk sjúkdómanöfn. Tímarit hins konunglega íslenska lærdómslistafélags 1790; 9: 221. 3. Pétursson J. Um líkamlega viðkvæmni. Tímarit hins konunglega íslenska lærdómslistafélags 1794; 13: 215-16. 4. Hjaltalín J. Heilbrigðistíðindi Reykjavík 1870, s. 40. 5. Finsen J. Iagtagelser angivande sygdomsforholdene i Island. (Disp) Köbenhavn: Köbenhavns Universitet 1874. 6. Campell M. Acute symptoms following work with hay. Brit Med J 1932; 2: 1143. 7. Pepys J, Riddel RW, Citron KM, Clayton YM. Precipitins against extracts of hay and fungi in the serum of patients with farmer’s lung. Acta Allerg 1961; 16: 76. 8. Gíslason D, Ásmundsson T, Guðbrandsson B, Belin L. Fellipróf gegn mótefnavökum heysóttar og tengsl þeirra við lungnaeinkenni íslendinga, sem unnið hafa í heyryki. Læknablaðið 1984; 70: 281-6. 9. Cuthbert O, Brostoff J, Wraith D, Brighton W. »Barn allergy«: asthma and rhinitis due to storage mites. Clin Allergy 1979; 9: 229-36. 10. Gravesen S, Magnússon V, Schwartz B, Gíslason D. Potential allergens of stored hay in Iceland. Demonstration by cultivation and immunochemical methods. J Agr Res Icel 1983; 15 (1-2): 55-63. 11. Hallas T. Mites of stored hay in Iceland. J Agr Res Icel 1981; 13: 61-7. 12. Hallas T, Guðmundsson B. Mites in stored hay in Iceland related to quality of hay and the storage duration. J Agr Res Icel 1986; 17 (1-2): 31-7. 13. Hallas T, Gravesen S. Succession af mider og svamp i forderhö i Island. Entomologisk Tidskrift. í prentun. 14. Guðmundsson B, Hallas T. Water activity, moisture content and concentration of mites in stored hay in Iceland. J Agr Res Icel 1986; 17 (1-2): 39-44. 15. Gíslason D, Ásmundsson T, Magnússon V, Gravesen S. Bráðaofnæmi í tveimur landbúnaðarhéruðum á íslandi. I. Tíðni bráðaofnæmis. Læknablaðið 1988; 74: 303-8. 16. Magnússon V, Ásmundsson T, Gunnarsson E, Kristjánsdóttir H, Egilsdóttir A. Rannsóknir á felliprófum, lungnaeinkennum og lungnastarfsemi hjá bændum í tveimur landbúnaðarhéruðum á íslandi. Sent Læknablaðinu. 17. Rafnsson V, Magnússon G, Johnsen S. Skýrsla læknis um meinta atvinnusjúkdóma. Læknablaðið 1983; 69: 172-4. 18. Merchant J. Agricultural exposures to organic dusts. Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews 1987; 2: 409-27. 19. Castellan R, Olenchock S, Hankinson J et al. Acute bronchoconstriction induced by cotton dust: Dose related responses to endotoxin and other dust factors. Ann Intern Med 1984; 101: 157-63.



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