

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1990, Blaðsíða 32

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1990, Blaðsíða 32
298 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Answers by GPs Questions þessari könnun var hvergi fjallað beinlínis um háls-, nef- og eymalækningar og því þótti forvitnilegt að taka þá sérgrein með. Það er athyglisvert að yngri læknar eru mun fúsari til þátttöku en þeir eldri og kann það að skýra góðar heimtur hjá háls-, nef- og eymalæknum, þar sem meðalaldur þeirra er lægri en í hinum sérgreinunum. Nokkrir þátttakenda nefndu, að erfitt væri að svara spumingunum og sumar þeirra mætti skilja á marga vegu. Sama sinnis voru margir sem ekki sendu inn svör sín, en þetta er út af fyrir sig þekkt vandamál í rannsóknum þar sem notað er spumingaeyðublað. Ætla má að þessir erfiðleikar hafi þó komið jafnt niður á öllum. Ef heimilislæknahópurinn er athugaður sérstaklega kemur í ljós að þeir virðast allir skilja spumingamar á sama veg, þar sem þeir eru annað hvort nær allir sammála eða allir ósammála viðkomandi fullyrðingum eins og sjá má á mynd. Þegar spumingunum er beint að ákveðinni sérgrein eru svörin hjá læknum í viðkomandi sérgrein einnig yfirleitt afdráttarlaus. Það verður því ekki annað séð en að rannsóknin sé marktæk að þessu leyti. ÞAKKIR Höfundar vilja færa þátttakendum í könnuninni bestu þakkir. Rannsókn þessi var gerð með styrk frá Rannsóknasjóði Háskóla Islands. SUMMARY Non-Physical Territoriality in Health Care Organizations in Iceland I. Earlier studies on territories and territorial behaviour have mainly dealt with physical territories in man and animals. Recently, research has also been focused on conceptual or non- physical territoriality, based on groups with special education, professions etc. After 1970, there has been increased emphasis on health care services outside hospitals in the Nordic countries. GPs have received better pre- and postgraduate education and new health centers have been built. From that time holistic view, continuity, comprehensiveness and community based services have been the key words. Because of this development GPs have taken over more and more tasks which specialists in other fields of medicine had before. This has led to conflicts and debates about resources and groups of patients. A study was carried out in Gothenburg 1986 with the aim of developing and testing hypotheses on non- physical territoriality in health care organizations in Sweden. Similar studies were performed in the other Nordic countries, and this survey deals with the result from Iceland. A questionnaire with 65 statements and some background variables was mailed to 185 physicians in seven specialities. The total response rate was 81% ranging from 100% for GPs to 63% for pediatricians. Professional non-physical territories exist among different categories of Icelandic physicians. GPs and oto- laryngologists are usually on the strongest opposite opinion especially regarding the need to direct the flow of patients. There is also disagreement between specialities regarding who should take care of school health care, child- and matemity health care. The results will be published in further detail in four subsequent articles. HEIMILDIR 1. Malmberg T. Human territoriality. Survey of behavioural territories in man with preliminary analysis and discussion of meaning. Great Britain: Mouton publishers, 1980. 2. Malmberg T. Rakna med revir. Stockholm: Liber Förlag, 1983. 3. Berggren L. Non-physical territoriality in health care organizations. Doctoral Thesis. Department of Social Medicine, Department of Environmental Hygiene, University of Gothenburg 1986. 4. Blegren HM, Nylehn B. Organisationsteori. Trondheim: Tapir, 1971. 5. Freidson E. The futures of professionalization. In: Stacey M, Reid M, eds. Health and the Division of labour. London: Neale Watson, Acad. Publs., 1977: 14-40.
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