

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1991, Blaðsíða 29

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1991, Blaðsíða 29
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 65 Hér var aðeins um að ræða greiningu virkra efna í einni náttúruvöru, og hvorki var leitast við að greina aukaefni né utanaðkomandi mengunarvalda, svo sem mýkótoxín, málma, örverur, skordýraeitur, o.fi. Niðurstöður benda ótvfrætt til, að þörf sé á virku eftirliti með framleiðsluháttum og innihaldsefnum náttúrumeðala ekki síður en lyfja, matvæla og annars sem almenningi býðst til neyslu. SUMMARY An evaluation of ginseng products on the Icelandic market is described. Ginsenosides were quantitatively determined by HPLC, with concomitant qualtitative analysis by TLC. Results showed substantial variation between different products, both with regard to the content of individual ginsenosides and the total ginsenoside concentration. Recommended daily dosages vary between manufacturers. Results showed that intake of the manufacturers’ recommended adult daily dosages would result in daily consumption of total ginsenosides ranging from practically none at all to 55 mg. Results of the study emphasize the need for more stringent and efficient control of herbal remedies. HEIMILDIR 1. Der Marderosian A. Natural Product Medicine- A Scientific Guide to Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics. Philadelphia: George F. Stickley Co, 1988. 2. The Lawrence Review of Natural Products. Dombek C, Hulbert MK. Liberti L, eds. St. Louis, Missouri: JB Lippincott Co, 1990. 3. Kjartansdóttir Þ. Plöntusterar og skyld efni. Reykjavík: Háskóli Islands (Cand. pharm. ritgerð), 1987. 4. Wichtl M. Teedrogen-Ein Handbuch fiir die Praxis auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. 1989. 5. Siegel RK. Ginseng Abuse Syndrome. JAMA 1979: 241 (15): 1614-5. 6. Hopkins MP. Androff L, Benninghoff AS. Ginseng face cream and unexplained vaginal bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1988; 159: 1121-2. 7. Pachaly P. Dunnschichtchromalographie in der Apotheke. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. 1982; 86. 8. Besso H, Saruwatari Y. Futamura K. Kunihiro K. Fuwa T. Tanaka O. High performance liquid chromatographic determination of ginseng saponins by ultraviolet derivatisation. Planta Medica 1979: 37: 226-33. 9. Schulten HR. Soldati F. Identilication of ginsenosides from Pana.x ginseng in fractions obtained by high performance liquid chromatography by field desorption mass spectroscopy. multiple intemal refiection infrared spectroscopy and thin layer chromatography. J Chromatogr 1981; 212: 37-49. 10. Liberti LE, Der Marderosian A. Evaluation of Commercial Ginscng Products. J Pharm Sci 1978; 67 (10): 1487-9.
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