Læknablaðið - 15.02.1991, Blaðsíða 39
BSBsa Disagree C~l No opinion wm Agree
Fig. 9. Answers to the following statement (Q31): »lf
there is a gynaecological clinic nearhy, the maternity
health centre shouid recruit its physician from that
clinic if the employment conditions can be arranged
Table I. Total agreement scores according to different
speciality and statisticai comparisons in statements in jig.
1 (Q15).fig. 2 (Q22),fig. 3 (Q29) and fig 4. (Q32).
Agreement scores
Q15 Q22 Q29 Q32
General Practitioners.. . 100 100 98 99
Pediatricians 54*** 71*** 54*** 69***
Geriatricians 84*** 88** 63*** 81***
Gynaecologists 73*** 83** 61*** 70***
Psychiatrists 79*** 90* 79** 76***
Oto-laryngologists .... 77*** 83** 63*** 80**
Internists 78*** 75*** 70*** 83**
■ p<0.05;
" p<0.01;
*** p<0.001 compared 1o General Practitioners
Table II. Total agreement scores according to different
speciality and statisticai comparisons in statements in fig.
5 (Q17),fig. 6 (QI8),fig. 7 (Q24),fig. 8 (Q25) andfig. 9
Agreement scores
Q17 Q18 Q24 Q25 Q31
General Practitioners.. . 14 4 30 16 18
Pediatricians . 91*** 79*** 82** * 80** * 87***
Geriatricians . 81** * 50*** 88* 44 75**
Gynaecologists . 86** * 68*** 71** * 69** * 86***
Psychiatrists . 76** * 58*** 68*** 54** * 69***
Oto-laryngologists .... . 68** * 48*** 57 52** 77***
Internists . 50** 33** 50 43 50*
* p<0.05;
** p<0.0t;
*"" p<0.001 compared to General Practitioners
spumingum gafst læknum ekki kostur á
að svara því, hvort þeir teldu æskilegt að
heimilislæknar og viðkomandi sérfræðingar
störfuðu saman að þessum þáttum líkt og
gert er víða á stór-Reykjavíkursvæðinu. Það
má vera að sumir sérfræðingar hafi skilið
spumingamar á þann veg. Það á þó ekki við
um skólaheilsugæsluna enda em andstæðumar
einna mestar þar.
Flestir læknar telja ónauðsynlegt að
öldrunarlæknar sjái um læknisþjónustu á
elliheimilum. Hér skera þó bamalæknar
og kvenlæknar sig nokkuð úr, einnig meir
en komið hefur fram erlendis (11). Þessar
sérgreinar virðast almennt hallast fremur að
sérhæfðri læknisþjónustu en aðrar greinar.
Rannsókn þessi var gerð með styrk frá
Rannsóknasjóði Háskóla Islands. Höfundar
vilja færa þátttakendum við könnunina bestu
Non-Physical Territoriality in Health Care
Organization in Iceland. IV. General
practice/family medicine is a rather new and
expanding disciplin. In a study from Gothenburg,
published 1986, hypotheses on conceptual or non-
physical territorial behaviour were developed
and tested. Among other things it was observed
that members of a professional group want as
big territoriality as possible for themselves. This
trend can possibly explain some of the conflicts
between general practitioners (GPs) and other
specialists. In 1988 similar studies to those in
Sweden were carried out in the other Nordic
countries. This paper is number four of five
subsequent articles with the results from Iceland,
dealing with the hypotheses that GPs are inclined
to include almost all primary health care in their
own responsibility and that other specialists
want to make a contribution in primary health
care. Questionnaires with 65 statements and
some background variables were mailed to 185
physicians in seven specialities. Total response rate
was 81.1%.
Physicians accept in general that the GPs should
themselves examine and treat diseases in children,
elderly, women and psychiatric disorders, where
they think the knowledge and equipment of other
specialities is unnecessary. As expected the GPs
were more positive to these ideas than doctors in
other specialities.