

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1991, Blaðsíða 45

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1991, Blaðsíða 45
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 81 ÞAKKIR Læknafélagi íslands eru færðar þakkir fyrir frumkvæði og fjárstyrk til þessarar könnunar. SUMMARY A 1989 survay of 195 Icelandic doctors, 166 men and 29 women aged 26-79, showed that 13% smoked daily and another 13% rarely smoked. Of those under 40 more than half had never smoked. Daily smoking was 2-3 times less common than among the general public, whereas occasional smoking was 2-3 times more common. The number who smoked, as well as the number who had quit smoking, increased with age. The most popular form of smoking was cigarettes for 39%, cigars for 27%, and a pipe for 7%. The GPs smoked the least, intemists and psychiatrists the most. The most common reason for not smoking was to »maintain health«. Doctors advised patients not to smoke especially if a smoking- related disorder was diagnosed or if the patients themselves brought up the subject of smoking; otherwise much less was said. The advice given by the physician was markedly dependent on whether or not he/she him- /herself smoked. HEIMILDIR 1. Adriaanse H, Reek JV. Physicians smoking and its exemplary effect. Scand J Prim Health Care 1989; 7(4); 193-6. 2. Wilhelmsen L, Bemow R. Allt fárre lakare röker. Stor skillnad mellan specialiteter. Lakartidningen 1988; 85: 4093-6. 3. Eyjólfsson GI. Skýrsla reykingavamanefndar Borgarspítalans. Spílalapósturinn 1984; 10(3); 2-5. 4. Guðmundsdóttir A, Olafsdóttir H, Harðarson Þ, Tómasson H, Bjömsson JK, Helgason T. Reykingakönnun á ríkisspítölum. Læknablaðið 1990; 76: 449-56. 5. The Physician's Role. Three modules on tobacco for national medical associations. Smoke-free Europe I. WHO Regional Office for Europe. Copcnhagen, 1987. 6. Crofton J. Tobacco: doctors and the pandemic. Eur J Respir Dis 1986; 69: 209-14. 7. Læknaskrá 1989. Heilbrigðisskýrslur. Fylgirit 1989 nr. 1. Reykjavík: Landlæknisembættið. 8. Ragnarsson J, Blöndal Þ. Reykingavenjur Islendinga 1989- 1990. Heilbrigðisskýrslur. Fylgirit 1990 nr. 5. Reykjavik: Landlæknisembættið. 9. Himmelmann L, Bolinder G. Allt fárre röker men snusandet ökar. Majoritet för restriktioner. Lákartidningen 1990; 87: 2402-4. 10. Doll R, Peto R. Mortality in relation to smoking: twenty years’ observations of British doctors. Br Med J 1976; 4: 1525-36. 11. Carstensen JM, Pershagen G. Eklund G. Mortality in relation to cigarette and pipe smoking: 16 years’ observation of 25.000 Swedish men. J Epidemiol Community Health 1987; 41(2): 166-1972. 12. Ragnarsson J, Blöndal Þ. Reykingavenjur 1985-1988. Heilbrigðisskýrslur. Fylgirit 1989 nr. 2. Reykjavík: Landlæknisembættið. 13. Reykdal S, Blöndal Þ. Tóbaksnautn í læknadcild - venjur og viðhorf. Læknaneminn 1989; 42 (1-2): 53- 8. 14. Fielding JE, Phenow MS. Health effects of involuntary smoking. N Engl J Med 1988; 319: 1452-60. 15. Beagleholc R. Does passive smoking cause heart disease? The evidence is strong enough to warrant measures to reduce exposure: Br Med J 1990; 301: 1343-4. 16. Stillman FA, Becker DM, Swank RT, et al. Ending smoking at The John Hopkins Medical Institutions. JAMA 1990; 264: 1565-9. 17. Toward a smoke-free health service. Report of a seminar held in London UK on World’s 2nd No- tobacco day 31 May 1989. Available from Tom Hurst, 20 Grange Meadow, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 3RD (prize 2£).
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