

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1994, Síða 36

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1994, Síða 36
122 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ calculated for every stage and multivariate analysis used to find independent prognostic factors. Age adjusted incidence for carcinoma of the renal pelvis was 1,1/105 males and 0,4/105 females per year. Comparable figures for ureteral carcinoma were 0,4/105 males and 0,1/105 females, respectively. Most of the patients presented with hematuria and abdominal or flank pain. Of 54 staged patients 28 were stage I-III (54%) and 24 stage IV (46%). Metastasis were found in 22% of the patients, most often in lymph nodes and lungs. Crude five year survival was 44% for the group as a whole, 88% for stage I and 21% for stage IV. Year of diagnosis was not an independent prognostic factor. Carcinomas of the ureter and renal pelvis are uncommon. Incidence in Iceland is relatively low and the clinical presentation similar to neighboring countries. Survival is comparable, in particular for patients with metastasis, but it has not changed for the last two decades. 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