

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1995, Page 10

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1995, Page 10
222 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1995; 81 Forspárþættir langtímaárangurs rafvendinga vegna hjartsláttartruflana frá gáttum Ragnar Danielsen, Davíö 0. Arnar Daniclsen R, Arnar DO Factors predicting long-term success of DC cardio- version of atrial arrhythmias Læknablaðið 1995; 81: 222-30 A prospective study was conducted to evaluate how many patients maintain sinus rhythm after DC car- dioversion of atrial arrhythmias and to assess factors predictive of long-term success. The study group consisted of 61 patients (45 men, 16 women) aged 18-88 years (mean age 66 ± 11 years) who undervent cardioversion, at the Department of Cardiology, Landspítalinn, from October 1990 to June 1992. Pri- or to cardioversion data were collected on the pa- tient’s medical history, medications, heart size on chest X-ray, and echocardiographic findings. Over- all, 41 (67.2%) patients were in atrial fibrillation while 20 (32.8%) had atrial flutter. Sinus rhythm was restored by DC cardioversion in 47 (77%) pa- tients, none of whom experienced an embolic event prior to discharge. Patients with atrial flutter had a higher conversion rate (95%) than those in atrial fibrillation (68.3%) (p=0.024) and also those who had had an atrial arrhythmia for less than one week (94.4%) in comparison to patients with an arrhyth- mia of longer or unknown duration (69.8%) (p=0.047). The primary success rate was not influ- enced by heart size on chest X-ray or echocardio- graphic variables. The study aimed to follow the patients for one year after cardioversion. Of the 47 patients who converted to sinus rhythm data are available on 44 for a mean follow-up of 11 ± 3 months (range 1-14 months), at which time 25 (57%) still remained in sinus rhythm. Heart size on chest Frá lyflækningadeild Landspítalans. Fyrirspurnir, bréfa- skipti: Ragnar Danielsen, lyflækningadeild Landspítalans, 101 Reykjavík. X-ray was significantly increased in the group that did not maintain sinus rhythm (p=0.03), and their left atrial size on echocardiography was slightly in- creased (p=0.10). Patients who originally had atrial flutter were more likely to remain in sinus rhythm than those who had been in atrial fibrillation (p=0.12), as did those who had had the arrhythmia for less than one week prior to cardioversion com- pared to those who had a longer or unknown dura- tion (p=0.11). We conclude, that DC cardioversion can be attempted in most patients with atrial flutter or fibrillation. However, clinical factors, heart size on chest X-ray and echocardiographic findings should be considered before deciding to perform DC cardioversion. Ágrip Gerð var framvirk rannsókn til að kanna hversu margir sjúklingar héldust í sínustakti til langframa eftir rafvendingu vegna hjartsláttar- óreglu frá gáttum og meta hvaða þættir hefðu forspárgildi þar um. Rannsóknin náði til 61 sjúklings (45 karla og 16 kvenna) á aldrinum 18-88 ára (meðalaldur 66 ± 11 ár) sem komu til rafvendingar á hjartadeild Landspítalans frá október 1990 til júní 1992. Fyrir rafvendingu var aflað upplýsinga um sjúkrasögu sjúklings og lyfjanotkun, metin hjartastærð á röntgen- mynd og gerð hjartaómun. Alls var 41 (67,2%) sjúklingur með gáttatif (atrial fibrillation) en 20 (32,8%) með gáttaflökt (atrial flutter). Við rafvendingu fóru 47 (77%) í sínustakt og eng- inn fékk einkenni um segarek í tengslum við hana eða fyrir útskrift. Sjúklingar með gátta- flökt fóru frekar í sínustakt (95%) en þeir sem voru með gáttatif (68,3%) (p = 0,024) og einn- ig þeir sem höfðu haft hjartsláttaróreglu skem- ur en í viku (94,4%) í samanburði við þá sem höfðu haft hana lengur eða í óvissan tíma (69,8%) (p = 0,047). Hjartastærð á röntgen-



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