

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1995, Page 34

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1995, Page 34
242 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1995; 81 Athugun á tvíburafæðingum eftir eðlilegan getnað og glasafrjóvgun Þórhallur Ágústsson11, Reynir Tómas Geirsson2' Ágústsson 1>, Geirsson RT Obstetric outcome among naturally and IVF con- ceived twins Læknablaðið 1995; 81; 242-7 Pregnancy and delivery are generally perceived to be more hazardous among twins compared to single- tons. Assisted conception techniques have increased the number of twins, but the effect on obstetric management and outcome is not well known. Dur- ing 1990-1993 there were 254 twin pregnancies of & 16 weeks gestation in Iceland, of which 52 (20.5%) were after IVF; — a twin rate of 1:73 deliveries. The natural rate was 1:90. IVF women were on average 3 years older but of equal height and smoking habits as the natural mothers. Mean gestational age was 36 ± 3.68 (SD) weeks for both IVF and natural twins. In 61.9% labour commenced spontaneously after natural conception, compared to 51.9% after IVF (N.S.) and64.4% ofnatural and58.8% oflVFtwins were delivered normally (N.S.). Caesarean section rates were almost equal, but there were twice as many forceps and ventouse deliveries of IVF babies (p<0.02). There appeared to be a minor tendency for more frequent elective Cesarean section in IVF pregnancies, but emergency section was more pre- valent among those who conceived naturally. IVF twins were on average 64g lighter (mean birthweight 2552g) than natural twins (mean birthweight 2616g), which was unaffected by smoking habits and ges- tional length. The sex ratio was higher among IVF Frá ',2) læknadeild Háskóla Islands,21 Kvennadeild Landspít- alans. Fyrirspurnir og bréfaskriftir: Reynir Tómas Geirsson prófessor, Kvennadeild Landspítalans, 101 Reykjavík. Lykilorð: Twin pregnancies, in vitro fertilisation, intrauter- ine growth. twins. IVF twins were more often admitted to neo- natal intensive care, but remained there a shorter time. This suggests a lower threshold for admission of twins conceived following IVF treatment. Per- inatal mortality was not different among natural compared to IVF twins; 20/1000 by conventional criteria. Flowever when total perinatal wastage was calculated, the figure was 46.5/1000, suggesting ex- cess deaths early in pregnancy and beyond the first week of life in twin pregnancies in general. Ágrip Tvíburameðgöngur og -fæðingar eru al- mennt taldar áhættumeiri en einburafæðingar. Með tilkomu tæknifrjóvgunar hefur tvíbura- fæðingum fjölgað en lítið er vitað um áhrif þess á meðferð og útkomu tvíburafæðinga. A tíma- bilinu 1990-1993 voru 254 tvíburameðgöngur á íslandi, þar sem meðgöngulengd var 16 vikur eða meira. Af þeim voru 52 (20,5%) eftir glasafrjóvgun. Tíðni tvíburafæðinga var í heild 1:73 en meðal eðlilega getinna tvíbura var hún 1:90. Konur sem fóru í glasafrjóvgun voru að meðaltali þremur árum eldri en þær sem urðu eðlilega þungaðar. Ekki var munur á líkams- hæð eða reykingavenjum. Meðalmeðgöngu- lengd var 36 ± 3,68 (SD) vikur hjá báðum hópunum. Fæðing hófst eðlilega hjá 61,9% kvenna með náttúrulega þungun og hjá 51,9% kvenna í glasakomna hópnum (N.S.). Hjá 64,4% kvenna með náttúrulega þungun og 58,8% kvenna í glasahópnum varð eðlileg fæð- ing. Fjöldi valinna og bráðra keisaraskurða var svipaður þó tilhneiging hafi sést til tíðari fyrir- fram ákveðinna keisaraskurða í glasakomna hópnum. Inngrip í fæðingu með töng eða sog- klukku voru algengari hjá glasafrjóvgaða hópnunt (p< 0,02). Glasakomnu tvíburarnir voru að meðaltali 64g léttari (meðalþyngd



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