

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1996, Qupperneq 15

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1996, Qupperneq 15
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1996; 82 627 Um katta- og hundasníkjudýr í sandkössum Heiðdís Smáradóttir, Karl Skírnisson Smáradóttir H, Skírnisson K Zoonotic parasites of cats and dogs found in play- ground sandboxes in the Reykjavík area, Iceland Læknablaðið 1996; 82: 627-34 Recent surveys on the parasites of household cats and dogs in Iceland have revealed the zoonotic pro- tozoans Cryptosporidium parvum and Toxoplasma gondii and the zoonotic nematodes Toxocara cati and T. canis. Furthermore, a Giardia sp., recently found in cats in Iceland, is also suspected to be a zoonotic parasite. In Iceland children frequently play in open sand- boxes commonly found at kindergartens, in public areas or in private gardens. During the cold months of the year, when the soil is frequently frozen, cats frequently visit these sandboxes and dig their faeces in the dry and loose sand. To evaluate the risk of zoonotic infections, altogeth- er 32 sandboxes in the Reykjavík area in SW-Iceland were examined for the presence of cat and dog pro- tozoan and helminth parasites. Systematically col- lected sand samples (30 ml sand from every square meter of each sandbox), altogether 411 samples, were examined by a modified salt flotation tech- nique. Furthermore, cat and dog faeces were col- lected from the surface of the sandboxes and also by sieving approximately five liters of sand from every square meter of each sandbox. The faecal samples found were examined by salt flotation and the for- malin-ethylacetate concentration method. Frá Tilraunastöð Háskóla íslands í meinafræðum. Fyrir- spurnir og bréfaskipti: Karl Skírnisson, Tilraunastöð Há- skóla Islands f meinafræði að Keldum, 112 Reykjavík. Tölvupóstur karlsk@rhi.hi.is Lykilorð: Sandkassar, kattasnikjudýr, hundasníkjudýr, mannasníkjudýr. Eggs of Toxocara cati were found in three sandboxes (9%), eggs of Toxascaris leonina in two (6%) and eggs of Toxocara cati in one (3%). Faeces from cats or dogs were found in 21 sandboxes (66%). Cysts of Toxoplasma gondii and Giardia sp. were found in faeces from one sandbox each (5%). It is concluded that there is a potential risk for humans to obtain at least three parasitic diseases (cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, toxascarosis) and probably also giardiosis from sandboxes in Iceland. Preventive measures which minimize the risk of hu- man infection are suggested. Key words: Sandpits, parasites, cats, dogs, hu- mans, zoonosis. Correspondence: Karl Skírnisson, Institute for Ex- perimental Pathology, University of lceland, IS-112 Reykjavtk, lceland. E-mail: karlsk@rhi.hi.is Ágrip Tilgangur: Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að kanna hvaða sníkjudýr er að finna í sand- kössum á leiksvæðum barna hér á landi, ræða hættuna sem mönnum stafar af hunda- og kattasníkjudýrum og tilgreina leiðir sem miða að því að minnka hættuna á því að menn verði fyrir sníkjudýrasmiti frá hundum og köttum. Efniviður og aðferðir: Leitað var að sníkju- dýrum í 411 sandsýnum úr 32 sandkössum með saltfleytiaðferð. Einnig var leitað að katta- og hundaskít í sandkössunum og rannsakað með saltfleytiaðferð og formalín-etýlasetat botn- fellingaraðferð hvaða sníkjudýr voru í saurn- um. Niðurstöður: Egg kattaspóluorms Toxocara cati fundust í sandsýnum úr þremur kössum (9%), egg „ljónaspóluormsins“ Toxascaris leottina í tveimur kössum (6%) og egg hunda-
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