

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1996, Page 24

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1996, Page 24
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1996; 82 634 Österr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol 1995; 17: (in press). 23. Tharaldsen J. Parasitter fra hund og katt i prpver fra sandkasser i daginstitusjoner i Oslo. Norsk Veterinær- tidskrift 1982; 94: 251-4. 24. Pegg EJ. Gastro-intestinal nematodes of Bristish police dogs. J Helm 1978; 52: 68-70. 25. Snow KR, Ball SJ, Bewick JA. Prevalence of Toxocara species eggs in the soil of five east London parks. Vet Rec 1987; 120: 66-7. 26. Read MA, Thompson RCA. Prevalence of Toxocara canis and Toxocara leonina ova in dog faeces deposited on the streets of Leeds. J Helm 1976; 50: 95-6. 27. Girdwood RW. Toxocara “not a major hazard”. Vet Rec 1979; 105: 307-8. 28. Bozdech V. Zur Larven-Toxocarose des Menschen. I. Eifunde in Prager Parkanlagen. Angew Parasitol 1981; 22: 71-7. 29. Dada BJO, Lindquist WD. Prevalence of Toxocara spp. eggs in some public grounds and highway rest areas in Kansas. J Helm 1979; 53: 145-6. 30. Rapic D. Dzakula N, Stojcevic D. 1983. Contamination of public places in Zagreb with the ova of Toxocara spp. and some other helminths. Veterinarski arhiv 1983; 53: 233-8. 31. Laborde C, Bussieras J, Chermette R. Recherche des oefs de Toxocara spp. dans le sol des jardins publics de Paris. Prophylaxie des infestations humaines. Rec Méd Vét 1980; 156: 733-8.



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