

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1997, Page 16

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1997, Page 16
16 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 Rannsókn á mál- og minnisgetu flogaveikisjúklinga fyrir gagnaugablaðsaðgerð, Wada próf Sigurjón B. Stefánsson1’, Elías Ólafsson2’, Ólafur Kjartansson3’ Stefánsson SB, Ólafsson E, Kjartansson Ó Wada test. An investigation of language and memory functions in epileptic patients evaluated for temporal lobectomy. Læknablaðið 1997; 83; 16-9 Introduction: Intracarotid sodium amytal injection was introduced as a clinical investigation of epileptic patients by Juhn Wada around 1950. The Wada test causes a brief inhibition of cerebral functions of the anaesthetized hemisphere, thus allowing tests to be performed on the contralateral hemisphere. The test is widely used to lateralize language functions and to assess the risk of postoperative amnesia in epileptic patients evaluated for temporal lobectomy Subjects and methods: Five epileptic patients were investigated. Three patients had hippocampal scle- rosis and two had a benign tumour in the amygdala region. The sodium amytal was first injected to the hemisphere with seizure onset. After the develop- ment of paralysis of the contralateral side of the body, language and memory functions of the non- anaestetized hemisphere were assessed. The test was then repeated for the other hemisphere. Results: The left hemisphere was dominant for lan- guage in three patients. In one patient the right hemisphere was dominant for language and in an- other patient language was bilateraliy represented. In the three patients with hippocampal sclerosis, verbal and nonverbal memory was worse on the side of the lesion. This difference was not as marked for the two patients with lesion in the amygdala region. Total memory score was worse on the side of the lesion in all five patients. Frá '’Tryggingastofnun ríkisins, 2)taugalækningadeild Landspitalans, 3,röntgendeild Landspítalans. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Sigurjón B. Stefánsson, Haðarstíg 8, 101 Reykjavík. Discussion: In both right and left handed individuals language is usually located in the left hemisphere. When epileptic seizures, with onset in the left hemi- sphere, start early in life, the language function can be transferred to the right hemisphere. This is a likely explanation for the right hemisphere language dominance in one patient. In all patients total mem- ory score was lower for the hemisphere with seizure onset. This is in agreement with the suggestion of a lateralizing value of the Wada test. Ágrip Inngangur: Um 1950 hóf Juhn Wada að rannsaka flogaveikisjúklinga með hálsæðar- inndælingu á natríum amýtali. Rannsóknin byggðist á því að skerða tímabundið starfsemi annars heilahvels með lyfinu til að geta metið betur starfsemi hins hvelsins. Wada prófið er nú notað til að ákvarða, hvorum megin mál- stöðvar séu og hver minnisgeta hvors heila- hvels sé hjá sjúklingum sem gangast eiga undir skurðaðgerð á gagnaugablaði vegna floga- veiki. Sjúklingar og aðferðir: Fimm sjúklingar voru rannsakaðir. Þrír sjúklingar voru með drekasigg (hippocampal sclerosis) og tveir voru með góðkynja æxli á möndlukjarnasvæði. Fyrst var þvf heilahveli gefið lyfið, þar sem upptök floganna voru talin vera. Eftir að sjúk- lingurinn hafði helftarlamast gagnstæðu meg- in, var mál- og minnisgeta ósvæfða hvelsins metin. Prófið var síðan endurtekið fyrir hitt heilahvelið. Niðurstöður: Þrír sjúklingar höfðu mál- stöðvar í vinstra heilahveli, hjá einum voru stöðvarnar hægra megin og hjá öðrum beggja megin. Hjá sjúklingunum þremur með dreka-



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