Læknablaðið - 15.05.2008, Side 64
Applications in endocrinological research in the Nordic Region
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Excellence Program
5 million DKK for a project
A highly qualified young researcher at post doc level may secure a five-year grant of totally 5 million DKK to cover salary and operating
The research project must be translational and based on clinical research.
A five-year project for which a ”Letter of Intent” should be forwarded at first.
Project grants
Basic and clinical research in endocrinology
For a limited project or a clearly defined part of a major project (in the latter case, a summary of the major project should be included). Grants
are available for operational expenses and technical assistance, including payroll costs for other researchers for a limited period of time.
Grants are also available for the salary of the main applicant - to cover full-time research for a limited period of time and on condition that the
main applicant can be released from other work during this period.
Grants are not available for travel or printing expenses. Furthermore, grants are not available for major equipment expenses (in excess of DKK
Grant capital approx. 19 million DKK.
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Visiting Researcher / Visiting Professorship 2008
A DKK 1 million framework grant is provided to initiate research in cooperation with other Nordic research institutions
The grant should make it possible for a prominent endocrinology researcher at professor level from a Nordic country to visit at least
two Nordic endocrinological institutions during the year of the visiting researchership. The aim is to strengthen Nordic cooperation in
endocrinology by initiating research projects and through lectures or other forms of instruction to promote endocrinology. The Visiting
Researcher should, as far as possible, be affiliated as a Visiting Professor with the cooperating institutions. The Visiting Researcher is also
expected to give a lecture at the annual meeting of the Nordic Network in Gothenburg at the end of September.
The activities are expected to be completed within one year.
New research methodology
Small travel grants
The grants are for brief study programmes to allow active researchers to visit another Nordic research group with a view to acquiring new
knowledge in research methodology.
The Foundation therefore invites applications for research funds to cover travel and accommodation expenses (for a maximum of four
weeks). Each grant will be for DKK 10-15,000.
It applies to all the above mentioned grant areas that funding can be applied for by researchers in Denmark, Finland, lceland, Norway and
Sweden but only for endocrinological research.
Applications must be in English.
Further information about each grant area can be found on the Foundation’s website, www.novonordiskfonden.dk, where
application form and detailed guidelines will be available from 18 April 2008. Applications are to be completed using an Internet-
based application system and submitted electronically to the Foundation no later than 2 June 2008 at 4.00 pm.
The Novo Nordisk Foundation
Brogárdsvej 70
Postboks 71
2820 Gentofte
Tel: +45 44 43 90 31
Fax: +45 44 43 90 98